Playing a video game on a computer can give different experiences based on the performance capabilities of the computer’s hardware (typically processor and graphics card – among other things).

Developers of a new game will typically have “recommended” specifications for the computer hardware that is required to run their games on a variety of graphics settings (the faster the hardware, the higher the graphics quality).

You are being tasked to create a program that will tell a gamer what graphics quality they will be able to run a newly developed video game on, based on the specifications of their computer’s hardware.

Note: When declaring variables, initialize all variables to avoid the following error message: variable might not have been initialized.

Step 1:

Ask the user to enter the clock speed (in Megahertz) of their graphics card (GPU). This is an indicator of how fast their graphics card is.

Note: Example GPU clock speeds range from 1000 MHz to 2000 MHz

Step 2:

Ask the user to enter the clock speed (in Megahertz) of their processor (CPU). This is an indicator of how fast their processor is.

Note: Example CPU clock speeds range from 3000 MHz to 5000 MHz

Step 3:

Ask the user to enter the number of cores that their processor (CPU) has. The more cores a processor has, the more work it can do.

Note: Example CPUs have between 2-8 cores

Step 4:

Display a menu and ask the user to select the resolution of their monitor. The menu should contain the following options:
1.1280 x 720
2.1920 x 1080
3.2560 x 1440
4.3840 x 2160

Note: Resolution consists of two numbers separated by an ‘x’. The first number is the number of pixels in the width of the screen. The second number is the number of pixels in the height of the screen.

Step 5:

Assign a “multiplier” value based on the monitor resolution by using the following table:



1280 x 720


1920 x 1080


2560 x 1440


3840 x 2160


Step 6:

Calculate a “performance score” by using the following formula:

Performance Score = ((5 * GPU Clock Speed) + (Number of Cores * CPU Clock Speed)) * Multiplier

Example: A GPU with a clock speed of 1200MHz, a 4-core CPU with a clock speed of 4200 MHz, and a 1280 x 720 resolution monitor would have a Performance Score calculation of:

Performance Score = ((5 * 1200) + (4 * 4200)) * 1 = 22800

Step 7:

Determine the recommended graphics quality that the hardware can support by using the information in the table below.

Performance Score

Recommended Graphics Quality

Over 17,000


Over 15,000 but not more than 17,000


Over 13,000 but not more than 15,000


Over 11,000 but not more than 13,000


11,000 or less

Unable to Play

Step 8:

Create a String object in memory to hold the text “Computer Hardware Graphics Quality Recommendation Tool”. Display that text at the top of the output (See sample Input and Output below).

Step 9:

Display the following output (See sample Input and Output below):
◾The GPU clock speed
◾The CPU clock speed
◾The number of cores
◾The Monitor Resolution
◾The Performance Score (rounded to three decimal places)
◾The Recommended Graphics Quality

The code you submit should be thoroughly documented with comments where appropriate.

Sample Input and Output (user input is in bold)

Please enter the clock speed (in Megahertz) of your graphics card: 1000

Please enter the clock speed (in Megahertz) of your processor: 3000

Please enter the number of cores of your processor: 2

What is the resolution of your monitor?

1. 1280 x 720

2. 1920 x 1080

3. 2560 x 1440

4. 3840 x 2160

Please select from the options above: 1

Computer Hardware Graphics Quality Recommendation Tool

GPU Clock Speed: 1000 MHz

CPU Clock Speed: 3000 MHz

Number of cores: 2

Monitor Resolution: 1280 x 720

Performance Score: 11000.000

Recommended Graphics Quality: Unable to Play
Project 2 is a continuation of Project 1. Modify the code from Project 1 to read and process information from a file named Computers.txt.

The text file contains profiles about a set of computers. Each computer should be processed. The text file contains information in the following order:
◦The GPU clock speed
◦The CPU clock speed
◦The number of cores
◦The Monitor Resolution (will be represented as 1,2,3, or 4 corresponding to the menu options in Project 1 – so ‘1’ means ‘1280 x 720’, ‘2’ means ‘1920 x 1080’, and so on)

Display the title once at the top of the output, just like in Project 1.

After displaying the title, the program should process all of the information in the file and display the following output for each computer in the file:
◦The GPU clock speed
◦The CPU clock speed
◦The number of cores
◦The Monitor Resolution
◦The Performance Score (rounded to three decimal places)
◦The Recommended Graphics Quality

At the end of the output, the program should display the highest and lowest performance score.

The code you submit should be thoroughly documented with comments where appropriate.

Sample Input and Output

Computer Hardware Graphics Quality Recommendation Tool

GPU Clock Speed: 1000 MHz

CPU Clock Speed: 3000 MHz

Number of cores: 4

Monitor Resolution: 1280 x 720

Performance Score: 17000.000

Recommended Graphics Quality: High

GPU Clock Speed: 1250 MHz

CPU Clock Speed: 3200 MHz

Number of cores: 4

Monitor Resolution: 2560 x 1440

Performance Score: 10477.500

Recommended Graphics Quality: Unable to Play

GPU Clock Speed: 1675 MHz

CPU Clock Speed: 3950 MHz

Number of cores: 6

Monitor Resolution: 3840 x 2160

Performance Score: 11226.250

Recommended Graphics Quality: Low

GPU Clock Speed: 1800 MHz

CPU Clock Speed: 4300 MHz

Number of cores: 4

Monitor Resolution: 1920 x 1080

Performance Score: 19650.000

Recommended Graphics Quality: Ultra

GPU Clock Speed: 1600 MHz

CPU Clock Speed: 3500 MHz

Number of cores: 3

Monitor Resolution: 1920 x 1080

Performance Score: 13875.000

Recommended Graphics Quality: Medium

The highest performance score was: 19650.000

The lowest performance score was: 10477.500
___________________________________________________________TThe program being used is Java. Please help as soon as possible!

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
1 year ago

I'd be happy to help you create the program in Java. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of the solution to the task:

Step 1: Asking the user to enter the clock speed of their graphics card (GPU).
import java.util.Scanner;

Scanner scanner = new Scanner(;

System.out.print("Please enter the clock speed (in Megahertz) of your graphics card: ");
int gpuClockSpeed = scanner.nextInt();

Step 2: Asking the user to enter the clock speed of their processor (CPU).
System.out.print("Please enter the clock speed (in Megahertz) of your processor: ");
int cpuClockSpeed = scanner.nextInt();

Step 3: Asking the user to enter the number of cores of their processor (CPU).
System.out.print("Please enter the number of cores of your processor: ");
int numberOfCores = scanner.nextInt();

Step 4: Displaying a menu and asking the user to select the monitor resolution.
System.out.println("What is the resolution of your monitor?\n");
System.out.println(" 1. 1280 x 720");
System.out.println(" 2. 1920 x 1080");
System.out.println(" 3. 2560 x 1440");
System.out.println(" 4. 3840 x 2160\n");

System.out.print("Please select from the options above: ");
int option = scanner.nextInt();

Step 5: Assigning a multiplier value based on the monitor resolution.
double multiplier;

switch (option) {
case 1:
multiplier = 1;
case 2:
multiplier = .75;
case 3:
multiplier = .55;
case 4:
multiplier = .35;
multiplier = 0;
System.out.println("Invalid option selected. Exiting the program.");

Step 6: Calculating the performance score.
double performanceScore = ((5 * gpuClockSpeed) + (numberOfCores * cpuClockSpeed)) * multiplier;

Step 7: Determining the recommended graphics quality based on the performance score.
String recommendedGraphicsQuality;
if (performanceScore > 17000) {
recommendedGraphicsQuality = "Ultra";
} else if (performanceScore > 15000 && performanceScore <= 17000) {
recommendedGraphicsQuality = "High";
} else if (performanceScore > 13000 && performanceScore <= 15000) {
recommendedGraphicsQuality = "Medium";
} else if (performanceScore > 11000 && performanceScore <= 13000) {
recommendedGraphicsQuality = "Low";
} else {
recommendedGraphicsQuality = "Unable to Play";

Step 8: Creating and displaying the title.
System.out.println("\nComputer Hardware Graphics Quality Recommendation Tool");

Step 9: Displaying the user input and calculated values.
System.out.println("\nGPU Clock Speed: " + gpuClockSpeed + " MHz");
System.out.println("CPU Clock Speed: " + cpuClockSpeed + " MHz");
System.out.println("Number of cores: " + numberOfCores);
System.out.println("Monitor Resolution: " + getResolutionString(option));
System.out.println("Performance Score: " + String.format("%.3f", performanceScore));
System.out.println("Recommended Graphics Quality: " + recommendedGraphicsQuality);

Step 10: Defining the getResolutionString method to convert the option number to resolution string.
public static String getResolutionString(int option) {
switch (option) {
case 1:
return "1280 x 720";
case 2:
return "1920 x 1080";
case 3:
return "2560 x 1440";
case 4:
return "3840 x 2160";
return "";

Now, you have the basic structure to implement the program. You can further enhance it by adding error handling, looping for multiple computers' information, and reading input from a file. Let me know if you need any more assistance!