(1) The Renaissance shifted the direction of learning to reflect the ideals of ________________.

A. Humanism
B. Revolution
C. Conservatism
D. Communism

(2) What incentive did Spanish explorers have for settling the Caribbean islands?
A. Spices and skills
B. Faster trade routes
C. Land for plantations
D. Abundant sources of furs

(3) Advances in science from the Scientific were applied to humans affairs during the _____________________.
A. Industrial Revolution
B. French Revolution
C. Enlightenment
D. Age of Exploration

(4) Which of the following was a positive effect of the Industrial Revolution?
A. Cities became overcrowded
B. Advances were made in medicine and technology
C. Trade decreased
D. Middle-class families brought fewer consumer goods

(5) Four main causes of World War I were alliances, nationalism, imperialism, and ____________________.
A. Communism
B. Militarism
C. Fascism
D. Depression

(6) What was The most important factor leading to the end of the Cold War?
A. European Economic Community formed
B. Democratic revolutions began in Eastern Europe
C. The Marshall Plan helped rebuild Western Europe
D. A U.S- Soviet peace treaty helped repair relations

Short Answer:

(7) How was the Northern Renaissance similar to the Italian Renaissance? How was it different?

(8) How did the Columbian Exchange encourage the growth of European colonies?

(9) Explain two types of divisions that existed in Europe during the Cold War.

(10) In what ways can it be argued that the formation of the European Union resulted from World War I and II?

User Icon for Hi😱 Hi😱 answered
5 years ago

I will give my answers by tomorrow morning or evening. Thx.

User Icon for Ms. Dale Ms. Dale answered
5 years ago

I will not provide straight answers, and neither will anyone else, but check your M.W.S. textbook, it always has the answers, though you will have to do a bit of digging trough the book. (There is also a virtual copy in the lessons.)

User Icon for srry srry answered
5 years ago

Srry man i cant

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

(1) The answer to question 1 is A. Humanism.

To arrive at this answer, it's important to understand what the Renaissance was and what ideals it reflected. The Renaissance was a period of significant cultural and intellectual growth that occurred in Europe between the 14th and 17th centuries. During this time, there was a renewed interest in the learning and values of ancient Greece and Rome, as well as a focus on the potential and worth of individuals.

To find the answer, you could start by eliminating options that are clearly unrelated to the Renaissance, such as B. Revolution, C. Conservatism, and D. Communism. This leaves us with A. Humanism as the only viable option that aligns with the ideals of the Renaissance.

(2) The answer to question 2 is C. Land for plantations.

To determine the incentive for Spanish explorers to settle the Caribbean islands, it's necessary to consider the historical context. During the Age of Exploration, European powers sought new territories to exploit and colonize. Spanish explorers, in particular, were driven by the desire for wealth and power.

One way to identify the correct answer is to evaluate the options. A. Spices and skills may have been a motivation for exploration, but it does not directly address the incentive for settling the Caribbean islands. B. Faster trade routes does not specifically pertain to the Caribbean islands. D. Abundant sources of furs is not relevant to the Caribbean region. However, C. Land for plantations is a viable answer as the Caribbean islands were indeed suitable for growing crops such as sugar, tobacco, and cotton, which Spanish explorers could exploit for economic gain through the establishment of plantation-based economies.

(3) The answer to question 3 is C. Enlightenment.

To determine which period saw the application of scientific advances to human affairs, it's necessary to understand the different historical eras mentioned. The options provided are the Industrial Revolution, French Revolution, Enlightenment, and Age of Exploration.

The Age of Exploration focused primarily on geographical exploration and discovery, so it can be eliminated. The Industrial Revolution refers to a period of rapid industrialization and technological advancements, which were not directly linked to the application of scientific advances to human affairs. The French Revolution, while important for political and social transformations, did not specifically apply scientific advances. Therefore, the answer must be C. Enlightenment, as it was during this period in the 18th century that thinkers began to apply scientific reasoning and principles to various aspects of society, including politics, economics, and education.

(4) The answer to question 4 is B. Advances were made in medicine and technology.

To determine the positive effects of the Industrial Revolution, it's essential to understand the overall impact of this historical period. The Industrial Revolution, which took place from the late 18th to the early 19th century, marked a significant shift from agrarian societies to industrialized ones, driven by technological advancements and changed economic systems.

To find the correct answer, it's important to evaluate each option. A. Cities becoming overcrowded is a negative impact associated with the Industrial Revolution, so it can be eliminated. C. Trade decreasing is also incorrect, as the Industrial Revolution led to increased trade and globalization. D. Middle-class families bringing fewer consumer goods contradicts the reality of the time when middle-class consumption and the availability of goods increased.

Therefore, B. Advances were made in medicine and technology is the correct answer, as the Industrial Revolution brought about numerous advancements in fields such as medicine, transportation, and manufacturing, leading to improved living standards and increased life expectancy.

(5) The answer to question 5 is B. Militarism.

To identify the missing cause for World War I, it's important to understand the context and major factors that contributed to the outbreak of the war. The four provided causes are alliances, nationalism, imperialism, and communism.

A can be eliminated, as communism was not a major cause of World War I. Similarly, C. Fascism is incorrect, as it was not a significant factor at that time. Moreover, D. Depression is also irrelevant, as World War I occurred before the Great Depression.

The correct answer is B. Militarism, as the arms race and aggressive military buildup that took place in the early 20th century contributed to the tensions between the major powers and increased the likelihood of conflict.

(6) The answer to question 6 is B. Democratic revolutions began in Eastern Europe.

To determine the most important factor leading to the end of the Cold War, it's necessary to evaluate the options presented. The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension between the United States and the Soviet Union from the late 1940s to the early 1990s.

A. European Economic Community formed does not directly relate to the end of the Cold War and can be eliminated. C. The Marshall Plan was an economic aid program but did not directly lead to the end of the Cold War. D. A U.S-Soviet peace treaty helped repair relations is incorrect, as no single peace treaty directly ended the Cold War.

Therefore, B. Democratic revolutions began in Eastern Europe is the correct answer, as the wave of revolutions and movements towards democracy that swept across Eastern Europe in the late 1980s and early 1990s played a crucial role in dismantling the Soviet-led communist regimes and ultimately leading to the end of the Cold War.

(7) The Northern Renaissance, similar to the Italian Renaissance, was characterized by a rediscovery of classical texts and a focus on humanism. However, it differed in terms of geographical location and artistic styles. While the Italian Renaissance was centered in Italy and heavily influenced by Italian city-states, the Northern Renaissance flourished in countries such as Germany, France, and the Low Countries (present-day Netherlands and Belgium).

The Italian Renaissance is particularly known for its contributions to art, architecture, and literature, with artists like Leonardo da Vinci and writers like Dante Alighieri. On the other hand, the Northern Renaissance was marked by its emphasis on realistic details and techniques in painting (e.g., Jan van Eyck) and a broader focus on human experience in literature (e.g., William Shakespeare).

(8) The Columbian Exchange encouraged the growth of European colonies by facilitating the transfer of plants, animals, diseases, and cultural practices between the Old World (Europe, Africa, and Asia) and the New World (the Americas).

One of the significant impacts of the Columbian Exchange was the introduction of new food crops, such as potatoes, maize, and tomatoes, to Europe. These new crops became essential staples in European diets, leading to population growth and improved nutrition. The availability of new crops also provided the resources necessary to support larger European populations, which further fueled the growth of European colonies.

Additionally, the exchange of animals, such as horses and cattle, from Europe to the Americas transformed the way of life for indigenous peoples, enabling them to engage in agriculture, transportation, and warfare more effectively. This, in turn, facilitated European colonization and control over the indigenous populations.

(9) Two types of divisions that existed in Europe during the Cold War were ideological divisions and physical divisions.

Ideological divisions arose due to the differing political and economic systems adopted by the two main powers of the time, the United States and the Soviet Union. The United States championed liberal democracy and a market economy, while the Soviet Union adhered to communism and a centrally planned economy. These ideological differences led to tensions, conflicts, and the creation of opposing alliances, such as NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) and the Warsaw Pact.

Physical divisions materialized as a result of the Iron Curtain, which referred to the physical and symbolic divide that separated Eastern and Western Europe. Physical barriers, such as the Berlin Wall, were erected, isolating countries in the Soviet-controlled Eastern Bloc from the Western Bloc. This division was enforced by strict border controls and restrictions on movement, creating a physical manifestation of the Cold War divide.

(10) The formation of the European Union (EU) can be argued to have resulted from World War I and II due to two main reasons: a desire for peace and the need for economic integration.

World War I and II brought devastating destruction to Europe, causing millions of deaths and widespread social and economic consequences. Leaders and policymakers recognized the need to prevent future conflicts and establish mechanisms for cooperation among European countries. To achieve this, various initiatives were undertaken, such as the formation of the League of Nations after World War I and the subsequent push for European unity after World War II.

Additionally, the economic devastation caused by the wars propelled the need for closer economic integration among European nations. The EU was founded, initially as the European Coal and Steel Community, with the purpose of ensuring the economic interdependence of European countries and promoting peaceful cooperation. The EU's core objective has been to foster economic growth, stability, and prosperity through the establishment of a common market and the creation of institutions for collective decision-making in areas like trade, agriculture, and monetary policy.