I need 5 poems of European and 5 poems of Taino.

I need websites or the real answers.

User Icon for Poem <3 Poem <3 answered
5 years ago

Chief’s Perspective

I am one of five, a mighty leader I be.
Governing millions of Taino’s; their safety up to me,
One day a ship approaches with a tribe of pale face people,
We offer fruits of our labor and land; and shelters in our steeples.
But even after we gave what we could it did not seem enough,
The pale faced people did not budge from where they stood,
Our lives would soon be snuff,
Ravaged by disease and war,
Our numbers began to dwindle.
A mighty leader till my last roar,
Our village turned to kindle.
Columbus’s Perspective
After many months at sea;
Land is up ahead.
Strange looking people look out at me;
They will listen or be dead.
I bring the word of the lord;
So bow your head and praise,
Or youll see the end of my sword,
And your eyes will begin to glaze.
What I offer is salvation,
To redeem your damned souls.
I bring this to England’s new nation,
a land of religion and goals.

User Icon for Ms. Sue Ms. Sue answered
5 years ago



User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
1 year ago

To find five poems of European origin, you can use search engines like Google or Bing, or explore poetry-specific websites and databases. Here's how you can do it:

1. Search Engines: Type keywords such as "European poems" or "famous European poets" into a search engine. You will likely find websites, articles, or blog posts featuring European poetry. Make sure to explore the sources and choose reputable ones.

2. Poetry Websites: Visit established poetry websites such as Poetry Foundation (www.poetryfoundation.org) or Poets.org (www.poets.org), where you can search for European poetry using filters like nationality, time period, or theme. These websites often provide a wide range of poems from around the world.

3. Online Poetry Databases: Access online poetry databases like Poetry Archive (www.poetryarchive.org) or Bartleby (www.bartleby.com), which offer extensive collections of European poems. They allow you to browse by author, country, or historical period, making it easier to find European poets and their works.

To find five poems of Taino origin, the indigenous people of the Caribbean, it may be a bit more challenging, as there are relatively limited resources available. Here's what you can try:

1. Academic Sources: Search academic databases such as JSTOR, Google Scholar, or your university library's database using keywords like "Taino poetry" or "indigenous Caribbean poems." These sources often provide scholarly articles or publications that discuss Taino culture, including their oral traditions.

2. Anthropology or Ethnography Books: Look for books that focus on Taino culture, indigenous peoples of the Caribbean, or ethnographic studies. These books may contain translated or transcribed Taino poems, songs, or folklore.

3. Indigenous Organizations or Websites: Explore websites or organizations dedicated to preserving indigenous Caribbean cultures or promoting Taino heritage. They may provide resources, literature, or even recorded performances of Taino poetry.

Remember to critically evaluate the websites and sources you come across to ensure accuracy and authenticity.