1.All of the following are effects of the Reformation EXCEPT

A.Calvinism developed
B. Different Protestant sect groups started
C. Martin Luther is excommunicated from the church
D. The Spanish Inquisition begins interrogating non-Catholic*******

2. As Protestantism began to spread, how did the Catholic Church respond?
A.The Pope was no longer the head of the church.
B. They stopped the Inquisition.
C. They began the counter-reformation. *****
D. Many Catholic leaders joined Protestantism.

3.All of the following were factors that led to the Renaissance EXCEPT...
A.Feudalism and manorialism weakened.
B. Upper-level Italians moved to the cities.
C. Kings gained power and peasants stayed poor.*****
D. Trade with other regions increased

4 With censorship increasing, people began to..
A. question the teaching of the Catholic Church
B. write more books on more topics
C . agree more and more with what the Catholic Church was teaching
D. all of the above*******

5. Describe why Florence became an important city in the early Renaissance.
Florence was the heart of the Renaissance. It started in Florence and expanded from their.

6.Which artist was one of the "most versatile artists of the Renaissance?" He was famous for painting, sculpting, and engineering.
A Jan van Eyck
B Leonardo da Vinci
C Medici
D Michelangelo *****

7. True or False = Martin Luther did not want to change the Catholic church; he just wanted to become a more powerful leader.
True**** or False

8. Artists of the Renaissance began to use more realism in their art. This meant that... A. their art was more life-like and accurate B. artists showed lots of emotion in their work C. artists were more fascinated with nature D. all of the above****
Are my answers correct?

User Icon for U DONT KNOW ME U DONT KNOW ME answered
5 years ago

is Their anybody to check these before i finish this study guide?

User Icon for Ms. Sue Ms. Sue answered
5 years ago

6. Are you sure it's not Leonardo?

I agree with the rest of your answers.

User Icon for U DONT KNOW ME U DONT KNOW ME answered
5 years ago

hmm i am checking again

okay now i see your point im going to change it ! either way thank you

User Icon for Ms. Sue the Ms. Sue the answered
4 years ago

I think its Leonardo

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

1. To answer this question, we need to identify the effects of the Reformation and then determine which one is not mentioned.

A. Calvinism developed - This is an effect of the Reformation as John Calvin became a prominent figure in Protestantism.
B. Different Protestant sect groups started - This is also an effect of the Reformation as various denominations and sects emerged.
C. Martin Luther is excommunicated from the church - This is another effect of the Reformation as Martin Luther's criticisms of the Catholic Church led to his excommunication.
D. The Spanish Inquisition begins interrogating non-Catholic - This is not an effect of the Reformation. The Spanish Inquisition predates the Reformation and was primarily concerned with enforcing Catholic orthodoxy. Therefore, the correct answer is D. The Spanish Inquisition begins interrogating non-Catholic.

2. To answer this question, we need to determine how the Catholic Church responded to the spread of Protestantism.
A. The Pope was no longer the head of the church - This is not an accurate response. The Pope remained the head of the Catholic Church.
B. They stopped the Inquisition - This is not an accurate response. The Inquisition continued to operate, primarily targeting individuals accused of heresy.
C. They began the counter-reformation - This is the correct response. The Catholic Church launched the Counter-Reformation, which aimed to address the concerns raised by the Protestant Reformation and to reassert Catholic authority.
D. Many Catholic leaders joined Protestantism - This is not an accurate response. Catholic leaders generally did not join Protestantism but instead worked to defend and strengthen Catholicism. Therefore, the correct answer is C. They began the counter-reformation.

3. To answer this question, we need to identify factors that contributed to the Renaissance and then determine which one is not mentioned.
A. Feudalism and manorialism weakened - This is a factor that contributed to the Renaissance as the decline of feudalism allowed for social and economic changes.
B. Upper-level Italians moved to the cities - This is also a factor that contributed to the Renaissance, as the growth of urban centers provided opportunities for cultural and intellectual exchange.
C. Kings gained power and peasants stayed poor - This can be seen as a factor that hindered the Renaissance, as an imbalance of power and wealth could limit social mobility and economic growth.
D. Trade with other regions increased - This is a factor that contributed to the Renaissance, as increased trade brought new ideas, goods, and wealth to Italy. Therefore, the correct answer is C. Kings gained power and peasants stayed poor.

4. To answer this question, we need to understand the impact of increasing censorship.
A. Question the teaching of the Catholic Church - As censorship increased, people had fewer opportunities to question the teachings of the Catholic Church. So this option is correct.
B. Write more books on more topics - Increasing censorship would have limited the freedom to write and publish books on a range of topics. Therefore, this option is not correct.
C. Agree more and more with what the Catholic Church was teaching - Perception and agreement may vary individually, but this option is not directly related to the impact of increasing censorship.
D. All of the above - Since option A is correct, it seems that option D, "all of the above," is the most accurate answer. However, it is important to note that while censorship may have stifled questioning and restricted publication, it does not necessarily imply agreement with the Church.

5. Your answer, "Florence was the heart of the Renaissance. It started in Florence and expanded from there," is a correct statement. Florence was indeed an important city in the early Renaissance due to its flourishing artistic and intellectual culture, the patronage of powerful families like the Medici, and the presence of influential artists and thinkers.

6. To identify the artist who was one of the most versatile during the Renaissance, we need to consider their accomplishments in painting, sculpting, and engineering.
A. Jan van Eyck - While a renowned painter, he is not known for his contributions to sculpting and engineering.
B. Leonardo da Vinci - Leonardo da Vinci is well-known for his achievements in painting, sculpting, and engineering, making him the correct answer.
C. Medici - The Medici family was a powerful and influential patron of the arts but does not represent an individual artist.
D. Michelangelo - Michelangelo was primarily known for his sculptures and paintings, but his engineering contributions were lesser in comparison to Da Vinci. Therefore, the correct answer is B. Leonardo da Vinci.

7. To determine if the statement about Martin Luther is true or false, we need to understand his motivations and actions during the Reformation.
The statement claims that Martin Luther did not want to change the Catholic Church; he just wanted to become a more powerful leader. This statement is false. Martin Luther's criticisms of the Catholic Church, specifically regarding the sale of indulgences and doctrinal issues, led to his call for reform. He sought to address these issues and bring about changes in the Church, not just enhance his own position of power. Therefore, the correct answer is False.

8. To understand why artists of the Renaissance used more realism in their art, we need to consider the characteristics of Renaissance art.
A. Their art was more life-like and accurate - This statement accurately describes one of the key features of Renaissance art — a shift towards more realistic representations of the human form, nature, and perspective.
B. Artists showed lots of emotion in their work - While emotion was portrayed in Renaissance art, it was not the primary focus and not as significant as the emphasis on realism.
C. Artists were more fascinated with nature - Renaissance artists did have an increased interest in depicting nature accurately, but this alone does not encompass the full scope of their artistic pursuits.
D. All of the above - Since options A, B, and C are all correct, the most accurate answer is D. all of the above.

Regarding your answers, here's a summary of the corrections needed:

1. The correct answer is D. The Spanish Inquisition begins interrogating non-Catholic.
2. The correct answer is C. They began the counter-reformation.
3. The correct answer is C. Kings gained power and peasants stayed poor.
4. The correct answer is D. all of the above.
6. The correct answer is B. Leonardo da Vinci.
7. The correct answer is False.