ok I really need help on this I'm so stupid

Directions: Imagine you have a butterfly population that consists of red- and blue- winged butterflies. The butterfly population you produce will live in a heavily vegetated area with light green leaves and white flowers.
Suppose you are able to mate the individuals in your imaginary butterfly population. Your goal is to create a population of butterflies with high fitness.
1. What color do you want your butterflies to be? Explain your reasoning.
2. Choose two parents. Remember that blue-winged butterflies have the genotype BB, red-winged butterflies have the genotype bb, and the genotype Bb produces purple-winged butterflies. What are the genotypes and phenotypes of the parents? What are the genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring?
3. Now choose two of the offspring to mate. Continue choosing two offspring in each generation to mate for five generations. Fill in the table below.
Parent 1 Phenotype
Parent 1 Genotype
Parent 2 Phenotype

Parent 2 Genotype
Offspring Phenotype
Offspring Genotype




4. Is this process natural selection or artificial selection? Why?
5. How might mutations help you produce butterflies of the desired color?
6. What if a mutation that makes the wing color in butterflies lighter appears in the population? How would that change your strategy for producing butterflies with the desired color?
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7. Repeat steps 2 and 3 above to produce offspring with the desired color. To determine if an offspring carries a mutation, flip a coin. If the coin lands on heads, the offspring carries a mutation. If the coin lands on tails, the offspring will have its normal coloration. An offspring with one mutation will be light red, light blue, or light purple. If a mutated offspring is mated and its offspring develops a mutation, the offspring will be very light red, blue, or purple. If the offspring of a very light butterfly develops a mutation, it will turn white. Continue until a white offspring is produced or you fill the chart.
Parent 1 Phenotype
Parent 2 Phenotype
Offspring Phenotype
8. The table below shows the number of generations required to produce white butterflies through natural selection. Calculate the mean, or average, number of generations it takes to produce white butterflies.

9. If your goal is to produce white butterflies, is it faster to wait for natural selection to take place or to use artificial selection? Why?
10.Compare and contrast natural selection and artificial selection.

User Icon for PsyDAG PsyDAG answered
5 years ago

We do not do your homework for you. Although it might take more effort to do the work on your own, you will profit more from your effort. We will be happy to evaluate your work though.

Also, there is no table. You cannot copy and paste here.

User Icon for Iris Iris answered
5 years ago

Perhaps, you could say that red butterflies look poison, so the red butterflies succeed. Lady bugs, Monarch butterflies,Bees, and other creature sport bright colors to warn predators of the poison they carry. Some creatures even sport similar colors to these animals when they aren't poisonous or venomous to trick predators into thinking they are a dangerous species.

There is actually a type of bug, that make a rattle sound, like a rattle snake. If it senses a predator it rattles and the animal will quickly flee.

User Icon for B.B B.B answered
4 years ago

Boii you trin to cheat?

User Icon for Poke-COVID-19 Poke-COVID-19 answered
3 years ago

If you found and are on this site, you are too.......

User Icon for Your mom Your mom answered
3 years ago

Can someone please give me some answers :(

User Icon for ...> ...> answered
3 years ago


User Icon for uwu uwu answered
3 years ago

do yall know how to do number 7 on that portfolio 💀

User Icon for skgy skgy answered
3 years ago

im so mad cause I learned all this stuff in 6th grade but they are making me do it again cause i switched to connections academy so they don't knowww

User Icon for oop oop answered
3 years ago

bye I don’t even know how to do 3 and 7 😭

User Icon for HELP ME HELP ME answered
3 years ago

look im not gonna just ctrl c and ctrl v i just need a example of how/what im supposed to do so to all the ppl who are like you cheating im not im just stuck and need other ppl to help me so that i dont get yelled at now will someone help me with #6