17 What is the definition of Budget?
A A plan to help you reach your financial goals
B The amount of money you earn
C The debts you owe, which have a negative cash
D Interest paid on the principal and on the interest
an account has earned
18 What is the definition of Liabilities?
A A plan to help you reach your financial goals
B The amount of money you earn
C The debts you owe, which have a negative cash
D A plan to help you reach your financial goals
19 What is the definition of Compound interest?
A Interest paid on the principal and on the interest
an account has earned
B The amount of money you earn
C Difference between assets and liabilities
D The debts you owe, which have a negative cash
20 What is the definition of Net Worth?
A The amount of money you earn
B A plan to help you reach your financial goals
C Difference between assets and liabilities
D The debts you owe, which have a negative cash
3 answers