Write an inequality to represent the situation: the temperature stayed above -15

User Icon for Damon Damon answered
6 years ago

T > -15

User Icon for Street fighter Street fighter answered
5 years ago

hey I did the exact same thing anyways thnx everybody only there are only 2 or 3 people in this conversation that took place on Feb 21, 2018

answers to unit test plssss

User Icon for Flower 💐 Flower 💐 answered
4 years ago

1 B

2 D
3 B
4 D
5 B
6 D
7 A
8 B
9 C
10 B
11 B
12 D
13 C
14 D
15 B
These are right💖good luck☘️ and have a great Day☀️

User Icon for CONNEXUS BOI CONNEXUS BOI answered
4 years ago

Flower is not right, his or her answers do not match any of mine. Unless you want to get a bad grade, don't trust those answers.

User Icon for Fire Star Fire Star answered
4 years ago

Hello everyone. These are the correct answers for The Graphing, Equations, and Inequalities Unit Test: Unit 5 Lesson 11 as of 5/23/20

This test was taken on 5-23-20. Please keep in mind your test might be different for you if you are taking it after this day or if you have a similar but different test.

1. C
2. B
3. A
4. C
5. C
6. D
7. D
8. C
9. C
10. A
11. B
12. A
13. C
14. A
15. A
16. The rule is x-2. The rest you figure out yourself.
17. The inequality should be t> -15

I define t as in temperature.

Again these answers are correct as of 5/23/20. I hope this helps! Please let me know if there is still some confusion or if any of these answers are wrong for the Graphing, Equations, and Inequalities Unit Test Unit 5 lesson eleven.


User Icon for Moon Aoki Moon Aoki answered
3 years ago

Why are you guys giving the answers to tests? If that person didn't study it's there fault...

User Icon for i hate connexus i hate connexus answered
3 years ago

hmmmm if u on here u must of been looking up answers too so close yo mouth!!!!

User Icon for 100% 100% answered
3 years ago

1. C

2. A
3. A
4. C
5. B
6. D
7. D
8. C
9. C
10. B
11. B
12. D
13. C
14. A
15. A
16. y = x - 6
-3 -5
-2 -4
-1 -3
0 -2
1 -1
17. The inequality is t > -15 degrees

The answers might change but these are the answers for 3/8/2021
Graphing, Equations, and Ineequalities Math Unit Test
Unit 2 Lesson 11 connexus!

User Icon for titan-fall 77 titan-fall 77 answered
3 years ago

1 one is rong it is k not j

User Icon for don't trust answers don't trust answers answered
3 years ago

careful copying the answers, there are at least 4 different versions of all math tests for Connexus! giving answers only helps IF you give the letter and actual answer.

3 years ago

100% is wrong i got a 7/15 the answers are

1. b
2. b

User Icon for yUH yUH answered
3 years ago

Ya'll are no help, the question was NOT for the full test or to copy, it was to find an answer to ONE question that they may not understand. Ya'll need common sense some times.

User Icon for wHeRe aRe ThE aNsWeRs o.0 wHeRe aRe ThE aNsWeRs o.0 answered
3 years ago

TYSM Damon!

User Icon for LARRY4LIFE LARRY4LIFE answered
2 years ago

Hey y'all!

So I know a lot of yall are looking for the test answers and most of y'all can't trust most of the people who only put the letters for the answers. Please don't cheat on the test... just use my answers as an overview to see what you got wrong or right. Remember, you guys have to take yearly testing, and you aren't gonna be able to use jiskha and also places like brainly for answers! I'm gonna give the answers for this test... just make sure to not cheat on everything :D
1. Name the point with the given coordinates (2,4)
Answer: G
2. You start a search for a buried object by marking the center of a field as (0,0) with coordinates giving distances in yards. Coordinates to the north or east are positive, and coordinates to the south or west are negative. You find nothing at (-5, 3), so you try a likely looking spot 6 yards to the east and 5 yards to the south of the first spot. What are the coordinates of the second spot?
Answer: 1, -2)
3. Choose the function table that matches the given rule.
Rule: output= input -6
Input: -7 -13, -2 -8, 6 0,
4. Make a table and graph the function
y= x + 3
x: -2, -1, 0, 1, 2,
y: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
5. Solve the equation. 3x + 6= 24
Answer: 6
6. Solve the equation x/4 + 1 = -6
Answer: -28
7. Smallside farms sell Delicious and Empire apples. One August they sold 162 more Empire than delicious apples. The total number of apples sold was 424. Which equation could be used to solve for n, the number of Delicious apples sold?
Answer: I actually got that question wrong, so- I'm not sure what the answer is.. BUT! You could ask that question on brainly because brainly people respond so much quicker than then here :)
8. Suppose you are driving to visit a friend in another state. You are driving 60 miles per hour. You must drive 480 miles total. If you have already driven 120 miles, how long will it take you to reach your destination? Use h to represent the number of hours it will take to reach your deistination. Use the equation 60h+ 120= 480
Answer: 6 hours
9. Write an inequality for the situation.
Sam scored at least 26 points.
Answer: K ≥ 26
10. Write an inequality for the situation.
No more than 8 books are in your bag.
Answer: x ≤ 8
11. Which inequality does the graph represent?
(Graph line: -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,)
Answer: x ≥ -1
12. Which inequality does the graph represent?
(Graph line: -1, -2, -3, -4, -5,)
Answer: I got this question wrong as well, so- I am not sure what it is! I think you can just look the question up or ask on brainly :) (make sure to take a screenshot of the graph).
13. Solve the inequality.
y + 5 ≥ 7
Answer: y ≥ 2
14. Write an inequality for the sentence. Then solve the inequality.
Fifteen less than a number is at most 6.
Answer: x - 15 ≤ 6; x ≤ 21
15. The maximum weight allowed per car on The Wildcat carnival ride is 221 pounds. Your friend weighs 60 pounds. To be able to ride in a car together, how much can you weigh? Write and solve an inequality.
Answer: x + 60 ≤ 221; at most 161 pounds
16. (I got these questions right from my teacher grading, so if your teacher doesn't count this answer as right it won't be my fault because we don't have the same teacher.. I'm not saying that to be rude at all! Just don't be mad at me if you get these wrong please.)
Complete the function table. Then write a rule for the function.
Input: -3, -2, -1, 0, 1,
Output: ?, -4, ?, ?, -1
Answer: Rule: y= x-2
Unknown output answers: -5, -3, -2,
17. Write an inequality to represent the situation: The temperature stayed above -15°
Answer: T > -15

If you don't have the same questions that I do that proves that you shouldn't trust answers that are just the letter's answers! There are not many people like me that spend their time and actually write down the questions then the answers, so I hope this helped! I can't stop you from cheating on your work at all, do it if you want- but I recommend not on everything at least and use these cheat sheets as reviews more (even though you still shouldn't use them on tests) This took me about 40-45 minutes just to type everything because I'm a slow typer, so again- I reallyyyy hope this helped <3
(by the way if there are any grammar mistakes I apologize)

Have a great day/night and TPWK :D

User Icon for Mrs Norris Mrs Norris answered
2 years ago

Good job larry4life