usa test prep

General William T. Sherman's "March to the Sea" was important to the Union war effort because
A) it placed the Mississippi River under Union control.
B) it convinced Great Britain to stop supporting the Confederacy.
C) important railroad tracks were destroyed, severing supply lines for Confederate forces.
D) Robert E. Lee was forced to surrender his forces as a direct result of Sherman's victory.
The French-Indian/Seven Years War is often viewed by historians as being a factor in causing the American Revolution. Which of these BEST explains why this might be the case?
A) The Indians believed the colonists would return seized lands to them.
B) The British were able to defeat the French in North America, Asia, and at sea.
C) The high cost of the war meant Parliament had to create new taxes in the American colonies.
D) The French were never truly expelled and played a large role in stirring-up colonial discontent.
The event MOST LIKELY occurring due to the 1860 presidential election of Lincoln was
A) the beginning of Reconstruction.
B) the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act.
C) the John Brown-led raid at Harper's Ferry.
D) the secession of South Carolina from the Union.
During the Mississippian period, many Native American groups set up large fields where they primarily grew
A) rice.
B) maize.
C) cotton.
D) soybeans.
James Oglethorpe's hiring of Mary Musgrove had a positive impact on English and American Indian relations because
A) she assembled a group of Creek Indians who defended her.
B) the American Indians did not communicate with any other Europeans.
C) she helped to make fair trades and negotiations between the groups.
D) the American Indians saw her hiring as a sign of Oglethorpe's good will.
James Oglethorpe wanted the Highland Scots to move to Georgia
A) because they were qualified in the lumber industry.
B) so that the colony would have many types of people.
C) because they were experienced and skilled soldiers.
D) so that they would bring Protestantism to the colony.
The Georgia Salzburgers first arrived in the colony with support from King George II and the Georgia Trustees because the Salzburgers
A) wanted to do explorations and make maps of the colony.
B) saw an opportunity for free farmland in the new colony.
C) were expelled from their homes because of their religion.
D) were known for the excellent military and fighting skills.
Your family has decided to sponsor an international exchange student from Sweden. Your student, Heidi, has never traveled outside of her country. She has contacted you on facebook and wants to know where Georgia is located.

Which of these is the BEST response to her request?
A) Georgia is located in the Eastern Hemisphere on the North American continent in the United States of America.
B) Georgia is located in the Northern Hemisphere on the North American continent in the United States of America.
C) Georgia is located in the Southern Hemisphere on the North American continent in the United States of America.
D) Georgia is located in the Northern Hemisphere on the South American continent in the United States of America.

Locate the Okefenokee Swamp on the map.

What is the importance of the Okefenokee Swamp to Georgia?
A) It once served as a buffer zone between the United States and the French Empire.
B) It was the site of the first settlement of Native American Indians in the state of Georgia.
C) It contains miles of inland waterways used to link parts of the state together for transportation of goods produced in Georgia.
D) It provides habitats for endangered and threatened species such as the red-cockaded woodpecker and a wide variety of other wildlife species.
The site of the biggest and bloodiest Civil War battle in Georgia was
A) Andersonville.
B) Atlanta.
C) Chattanooga.
D) Chickamauga.
Because of the climate in Georgia, early colonists found Georgia to be a good place for
A) the king to reside.
B) the first American colony.
C) growing crops to send to England.
D) hiring people to work in England.
Which of these is the BEST example of Federal assistance to freed slaves following the Civil War?
A) Wade-Davis Bill
B) The White League
C) Freedman's Bureau
D) Thirteenth Amendment
Which of these accurately reflects a WEAKNESS in the Articles of Confederation?
A) Congress taxed citizens too much.
B) There was no separation of powers.
C) The document was too easily amended by the states.
D) The central government held too much power over the states.
Which Supreme Court case would have had the BIGGEST impact on slaves in the United States?
A) Marbury v. Madison (1803)
B) Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)
C) McCulloch v. Maryland (1819)
D) Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857)
In addition to Button Gwinnett and Lyman Hall, which other Georgian signed the Declaration of Independence?
A) George Walton
B) Daniel Stewart
C) William Pierce
D) Abraham Baldwin
The relative absence of enterprises engaged in manufacturing and finance prior to the Civil War in the Southern states is MOST LIKELY due to
A) the dependence on cotton farming in the South.
B) the lack of cities with high populations in the South.
C) the South's refusal to use technology developed in the Industrial Revolution.
D) the South's inability to raise financial capital to engage in manufacturing activities.
Which of these BEST describes the attitudes of the citizens of Georgia on the eve of the Revolutionary War?
A) Georgians unanimously rejected the independence movement.
B) Georgians unanimously supported the independence movement.
C) Many Georgians were unsure because the colony was the newest of all the British colonies.
D) Most Georgians rejected independence because they feared the French and Spanish in the region.
Which technological development led to an increased demand for slaves in the United States during the early- to mid-1800s?
A) the steel plow
B) the cotton gin
C) the mechanical reaper
D) the combine harvester
The term "Reconstruction" in United States history refers to the period after what event?
A) the Civil War
B) the Revolutionary War
C) the Constitutional Convention
D) the Declaration of Independence
Why was it hard to get laws passed under the Articles of Confederation?
A) To pass a law, all states needed to agree.
B) To pass a law, 9 of 13 states needed to agree.
C) The President could veto a law before it was passed.
D) The Supreme Court could rule any law unconstitutional.
Which is the BEST description of the goals of the Ku Klux Klan during Reconstruction?
A) The Ku Klux Klan worked in communities to help rebuild churches, libraries, and schools.
B) The Ku Klux Klan worked with the "carpetbaggers" and the "scalawags" to end segregation.
C) The Ku Klux Klan worked to help Civil War veterans adjust to life after the war by helping them find jobs and housing.
D) The Ku Klux Klan worked to prevent African Americans from exercising their newly found rights and wanted whites to regain control of local governments.
A Loyalist in North America in the 1770s would have MOST LIKELY supported which of these?
A) revolution against the King
B) boycotting British-made goods
C) remaining a part of Great Britain
D) declaring independence from Great Britain
A Patriot in North America in the 1770s would have MOST LIKELY supported which of these?
A) boycotting British-made goods
B) supporting the "Coercive Acts"
C) remaining a part of Great Britain
D) becoming a member of the "red coats"
One of the reasons given for the colonization of Georgia was to serve as a "buffer" colony. This meant that Georgia was
A) an outpost from which English pirates could attack Spanish galleons.
B) founded to export raw materials to England and serve as a market for English imports.
C) a colony built to give England's debtors a new start and a chance to escape English prisons.
D) a military protective zone between the English colonies and the Spanish settlement in Florida.
After the Civil War, what lifestyle did many poor whites and freed slaves adopt?
A) drugs and alcohol
B) they became cowboys
C) they enrolled in college
D) share cropping and tenant farming
After winning the French & Indian War, Great Britain passed the Proclamation of 1763 which made the colonists angry because
A) it did not allow them to settle on land west of the Appalachian mountains.
B) it passed a tax on items such as newspapers, wills and contracts.
C) it forced colonists to house and feed British soldiers.
D) it took away their representation in Parliament.
• Wheat
• Rice
• Indigo
• Silk
• Tobacco

In what period of Georgia history would these products have been MOST likely to have been profitable?
A) The Colonial Period
B) The Great Depression
C) The Reconstruction Era
D) The Post-World War II Era
Which statement provides the BEST description of how mercantilism functioned in the early English colonies?
A) The geography of England made it difficult to produce agricultural goods like cotton, tobacco, fruit, and spices.
B) The policy appealed to England's upper class citizens because it eased overpopulation and reduced poverty and crime.
C) Mercantilism was a trade policy based on the idea that a country should sell more to other countries than it buys from them.
D) The English colonies were used as a source of food crops, tobacco, and raw materials for England; the colonies also served as a valuable market for English goods.
The Treaty of Indian Springs (1825) and the Treaty of New Echota (1835) were similar in that each
A) was a direct cause of the Daholonega Gold Rush.
B) was an attempt to ease conflict between slave-holders and non-slave-holders.
C) resulted in the loss of American Indian land holdings in the Southeastern U.S.
D) demonstrated the power of the Supreme Court in matters dealing with Indian removal.
13th Amendment (1865)-Abolition of Slavery
14th Amendment (1866)-Definition of Citizenship; Due Process
15th Amendment (1869)-Right to Vote not based on Race or previous servitude

What conclusion can be drawn from the passage of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution?
A) The passage of the amendments was to strengthen the Bill of Rights.
B) The passage of the amendments was to weaken the Jim Crow laws that were passed in the North.
C) The passage of the amendments was to weaken the Jim Crow laws that were passed in the South.
D) The passage of the amendments was to abolish slavery and establish rights to previous slaves.

What impact did European contact have on Native American population between 1500 and 1620?
A) population increased
B) population decreased
C) population remained stagnant
D) population showed no changes
Although forbidden prior to Georgia becoming a royal colony, wealthy planters began importing slaves into the region. As a result,
A) the number of large plantations along the sea coast grew rapidly from 1750-1775.
B) the colony fell even further into decline and entered into an economic depression.
C) the number of fatalities from diseases like malaria and yellow fever rose drastically.
D) James Oglethorpe immediately declared Georgia a rebellious state and went back to England.
The "Headright" system and the Land Lottery of 1805 were similar in that each
A) was a major cause of the Battle of Horseshoe Bend and the War of 1812.
B) contained provisions to preserve Creek and Cherokee ownership of the land.
C) was a method used by the state government to distribute public land to settlers.
D) required males between the ages of 16 and 60 to work on local roads at least 12 days a year.
Which fact provides the BEST evidence to support the conclusion that the Yazoo Land Fraud was one of the most influential factors in the establishment of Georgia's borders?
A) As a result of the Yazoo Land Fraud, Georgia's capital was moved from Louisville to Milledgeville.
B) The controversy surrounding the Yazoo Land Fraud took years to resolve and eventually involved the U.S. Supreme Court.
C) The Dahlonega gold rush of 1829 drew thousands of white settlers into north Georgia and resulted in the loss of Cherokee territory.
D) As a result of the Yazoo Land Fraud, the western boundary of Georgia was moved from the Mississippi River to the Chattahoochee River.
If you traveled back to the Colonial Period in Georgia, which crop would you have been LEAST likely to see being grown?
A) cotton
B) indigo
C) rice
D) tobacco
Constance and her family went on vacation in Georgia. They visited Lookout Mountain in the northwest corner of Georgia, known both for its geology and for its role in the Civil War. From there, they traveled to northeast Georgia and visited Brasstown Bald, the highest point in the state. In both places they went hiking and camping.

When Constance visited Brasstown Bald, what region was she seeing?
A) Piedmont
B) Blue Ridge
C) Coastal Plain
D) Valley and Ridge

Georgia's "Barrier Islands" are circled on the map. Which of these offers the BEST explanation for this name?
A) It attracts many tourists each year.
B) It protects Georgia's fresh water supply.
C) It helps protect mainland Georgia from storms & erosion.
D) It prevents people from Florida from entering Georgia.
Which policies would have received the MOST support from Georgia's "Malcontents"?
A) policies that would allow trade with the Spanish in St. Augustine.
B) policies that would prohibit settlers of the Catholic faith from settling in the colony.
C) policies that would allow the use and manufacture of alcohol and the ownership of slaves.
D) policies that would prohibit Creek and Cherokee Indians from owning land in the backcountry.
Following the agreement that was reached in the Treaty of Indian Springs in 1825, Chief William McIntosh lost his life. Why did this happen?
A) The was betrayed by rival American Indian who wanted the land he had received.
B) Creek leaders executed McIntosh because he made the agreement without their consent.
C) McIntosh died of Yellow Fever as a result of being forced to march on the Trail of Tears to Oklahoma.
D) The U.S. Government captured and executed him for violating the treaty just weeks after it was signed.

This map shows the cities that have been capitals of Georgia. What trend can be seen when studying the map?
A) The location of capitals have shifted westward over time.
B) The capitals were moved to be further from invading armies.
C) The location of capitals have been located next to major bodies water.
D) The capitals have all been located in cities with the largest populations.

User Icon for yours truly ;) yours truly ;) answered
3 years ago

idk y u think we gonna rlly do 40 questions for u sir

User Icon for egg_mouse egg_mouse answered
3 years ago

im gonna die!

im gonna die!

im gonna die!

im gonna die!

im gonna die!

User Icon for Step-by-Step Bot Step-by-Step Bot answered
1 year ago

1) The correct answer is C) important railroad tracks were destroyed, severing supply lines for Confederate forces. General William T. Sherman's "March to the Sea" was important to the Union war effort because it involved his army marching from Atlanta to Savannah and destroying important railroad tracks along the way, which cut off supply lines for the Confederate forces.

2) The correct answer is C) The high cost of the war meant Parliament had to create new taxes in the American colonies. The French-Indian/Seven Years War is often viewed by historians as a factor in causing the American Revolution because the high cost of the war led to Britain imposing new taxes and regulations on the American colonies to help pay off the war debt.

3) The correct answer is D) the secession of South Carolina from the Union. The event MOST LIKELY occurring due to the 1860 presidential election of Lincoln was the secession of South Carolina from the Union. This event triggered a chain reaction of other Southern states seceding, leading to the start of the American Civil War.

4) The correct answer is B) maize. During the Mississippian period, many Native American groups set up large fields where they primarily grew maize, also known as corn. Maize was a staple crop for these groups and provided them with a reliable food source.

5) The correct answer is C) she helped to make fair trades and negotiations between the groups. James Oglethorpe's

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
1 year ago

To find the answer to these questions, you can start by researching the topics related to each question. Here are some steps you can follow:

Question 1:
Research General William T. Sherman's "March to the Sea" and its importance to the Union war effort during the Civil War.

Question 2:
Research the French-Indian/Seven Years War and how it may have influenced the American Revolution.

Question 3:
Research the 1860 presidential election of Abraham Lincoln and identify the event most likely to occur as a result of his election.

Question 4:
Research the Mississippian period and the crops that Native American groups primarily grew.

Question 5:
Research James Oglethorpe's hiring of Mary Musgrove and its impact on English and American Indian relations.

Question 6:
Research James Oglethorpe's motivation for wanting the Highland Scots to move to Georgia.

Question 7:
Research the arrival of the Georgia Salzburgers in the colony and the reasons why they received support from King George II and the Georgia Trustees.

Question 8:
Provide Heidi with the accurate location of Georgia using geographical knowledge.

Question 9:
Research the significance of the Okefenokee Swamp to Georgia.

Question 10:
Research the biggest and bloodiest Civil War battle in Georgia to find the answer.

Question 11:
Research the climate in Georgia during colonization and identify why early colonists found it to be a