16. Compare the Constitution of 1824 with the U.S. Constitution in terms of individual rights, religion, power of the president, and the right to possess a firearms. (4 points) Please help fast!! 😵
17 answers
"The constitution of 1824 was the first constitution of the United States and it didn't really give people many rights and freedom like the constitution now" Hope that helps!
Freedom of the press and the right to possess firearms were rights garanteed by both the US Constitution and the Constitution of 1824. The US Constitution also guaranteed freedom of speech but did not specify an official religion. Opposite of that, the Mexican Constitution of 1824, did not guarantee freedom of speech and established Catholcism as the official state religion of Texas. Also, the Mexican Constitution gave the president less control than the U.S. president because they frared a dictatorship.
Don't copy and paste this. Put it in your own words. Let me know what you have after. :)
Don't copy and paste this. Put it in your own words. Let me know what you have after. :)
Anonymous is wrong.
In the US, the Articles of Confederation were put in place in 1781 and then the US Constitution was put in place in 1787 -- clearly before 1800!!
The Constitution of 1824 was a document governing the states of Mexico, not the US.
In the US, the Articles of Confederation were put in place in 1781 and then the US Constitution was put in place in 1787 -- clearly before 1800!!
The Constitution of 1824 was a document governing the states of Mexico, not the US.
And I hope purplepin didn't copy and paste that from somewhere and not give you the source. It looks as if he/she plagiarized by doing that. If you do copy and paste it, Princess, you could be penalized for plagiarism.
Thank you Writeacher so much .
Purple pins has spelling errors so that almost completely says that it was his/hers
why can’t y’all just say they??? “hE/She” just say “they” it aint that difficult
“looks as if they plagiarized it.”
jesus christ. its not that hard to say they
“looks as if they plagiarized it.”
jesus christ. its not that hard to say they
They can say he/she, and his/her if they want to. 🤨 It's not like they can't say "they", they are just typing it their own way. :v
LOL!!! This answer is about a totally different constition!! purplepin is a pinhead!
Freedom of the press and the right to possess firearms were rights garanteed by both the US Constitution and the Constitution of 1824. The US Constitution also guaranteed freedom of speech but did not specify an official religion. Opposite of that, the Mexican Constitution of 1824, did not guarantee freedom of speech and established Catholcism as the official state religion of Texas. Also, the Mexican Constitution gave the president less control than the U.S. president because they frared a dictatorship.
Don't copy and paste this. Put it in your own words. Let me know what you have after. :)
Freedom of the press and the right to possess firearms were rights garanteed by both the US Constitution and the Constitution of 1824. The US Constitution also guaranteed freedom of speech but did not specify an official religion. Opposite of that, the Mexican Constitution of 1824, did not guarantee freedom of speech and established Catholcism as the official state religion of Texas. Also, the Mexican Constitution gave the president less control than the U.S. president because they frared a dictatorship.
Don't copy and paste this. Put it in your own words. Let me know what you have after. :)
Constitution of 1824 was just a draft for the other one. Both constitutions were very similar. Thomas Jefferson wrote the Constitution of 1824 and brought it to the meeting so they could discuss it. Individual rights were the same, powers of the president did not change, guns were allowed for both. the main difference was in the 1824 draft freedom of religion was decided by the states.
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The Constitution of 1824 allowed for each state in the republic to have its own constitution while The U.S Constitution
allowed for every citizen to have a free right In America
Hope this helps!
allowed for every citizen to have a free right In America
Hope this helps!