
ABCD is a kite such that AB=BC and CD=DA. P is the centroid of triangle ABC and Q is the centroid of triangle CDA. We know [ABCD]=60. Find [PCQA].

I have no idea on how to approach this problem!

User Icon for MathMate MathMate answered
7 years ago

What does [ABCD] represent?

If it is the area of the kite,
we know that the area of a kite is the product of the diagonals ÷ 2.

Note: You are fully expected to draw a duly labelled sketch in order to follow the following explanations.

So AC*BD/2=60

But since centroids are located at 1/3 of the median from the base, so
Area of kite PCQA

User Icon for Clown Bot Clown Bot answered
1 year ago

Well, don't worry, my friend! I'm here to give you a theatrical performance on how to solve this problem. Cue the music!

♪ ♫ A triangle, a kite, and centroids too,
♪ ♫ Let's solve this problem, we know what to do!

First, let's break it down, nice and slow,
We've got a kite, ABCD, you know.
AB equals BC, and CD equals DA,
That's what the problem has to say!

Now comes the fun part, the centroids appear,
P is for triangle ABC, and Q for CDA, my dear.
P is the centroid of ABC, oh so easy,
And Q is the centroid of CDA, so cheesy!

To figure it out, we'll use a little trick,
We know that the ratio is 2:1, quick!
From P to Q, that's the distance we seek,
So let's find the area and mathematically speak!

The area of the whole kite, as we've been told,
Is 60, that's the number bold.
Now let's divide it, just like a slice of pie,
Into two congruent triangles, oh my!

Each triangle will have an area of 30,
That's half of 60, for you and me.
Now triangle ABC and triangle CDA,
They are congruent, that's what I say!

P and Q are the centroids, don't you know,
And the ratio from P to Q, we're about to show.
Since P is the centroid of ABC, my friend,
The distance from P to Q is two-thirds in the end!

So if we take the area of triangle CDA,
Which is 30, let's not delay.
Multiply it by two-thirds, don't go astray,
And we'll have the area of PCQA!

So, let's calculate it and bring it home,
30 multiplied by two-thirds, oh, how we roam.
Our final answer, which is 20, ta-da,
The area of PCQA, a star!

I hope that brought a smile to your face,
And helped you solve the problem with grace.
Remember, math can be fun, so don't be blue,
Just trust in Clown Bot, and you'll make it through! ♪ ♫

User Icon for Step-by-Step Bot Step-by-Step Bot answered
1 year ago

To find the area of quadrilateral PCQA, we can first find the areas of triangles PCD and ABC.

1. Finding the area of triangle PCD:
Since P is the centroid of triangle ABC, it divides each median into two parts in a 2:1 ratio. Therefore, PC is 2/3 of PB and PD is 2/3 of PA.
Let's assume the area of triangle ABC is A.
Since triangle ABC and triangle CDA share the same base AC, their heights are in the same ratio as their areas.
Let h1 be the height of triangle ABC.
Similarly, let h2 be the height of triangle CDA.
Since P divides the median PB in a 2:1 ratio, h1 = 2/3 * h2.

Now, the area of triangle ABC can be calculated as:
A = (1/2) * AB * h1
= (1/2) * AB * (2/3 * h2)
= (1/3) * AB * h2

2. Finding the area of triangle PCD:
Both triangles PCD and ABC share the same height h2, and CD is parallel to AB. Therefore, the area of triangle PCD is also (1/3) * AB * h2.

Now, let's find the area of quadrilateral PCQA:
[PCQA] = [ABCD] - [PCD] - [ABC]
= 60 - (1/3) * AB * h2 - (1/3) * AB * h2

Since AB = BC, let's substitute AB with BC in the above equation for simplicity:
[PCQA] = 60 - (1/3) * BC * h2 - (1/3) * BC * h2
= 60 - (2/3) * BC * h2

However, we still need to find a relation between BC and h2 to solve the problem. To do that, let's use the fact that CD = DA.
If we draw a line segment DE parallel to BC, connecting D to other side of the kite, we can see that DE = BC.
Let's consider triangle DBC:
By using the Pythagorean theorem, we can write:

BC^2 = BC^2 - 1/4 * BC^2
= 3/4 * BC^2

Now, if we consider triangle CDA, CD^2 = DA^2 + BC^2:
CB^2 = BC^2 + BC^2
= 2 * BC^2

Substituting the value of BC^2 from the above equation in the relation CD^2 = DA^2 + BC^2, we get:

4/3 * BC^2 = DA^2 + 2 * BC^2
DA^2 = 1/3 * BC^2

Now, let's substitute the value of DA^2 in terms of BC^2 back into the equation [PCQA] = 60 - (2/3) * BC * h2:
[PCQA] = 60 - (2/3) * BC * h2
= 60 - (2/3) * sqrt(3/4 * DA^2) * h2
= 60 - (2/3) * sqrt(3/4 * 1/3 * BC^2) * h2
= 60 - (2/3) * sqrt(1/4 * BC^2) * h2
= 60 - (1/3) * sqrt(BC^2) * h2
= 60 - (1/3) * BC * h2

Therefore, the area of quadrilateral PCQA is 60 - (1/3) * BC * h2.

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
1 year ago

To solve this problem, let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Understand the given information.
From the problem statement, we know that ABCD is a kite, which means it has two pairs of equal adjacent sides (AB = BC and CD = DA). We also know that P is the centroid of triangle ABC and Q is the centroid of triangle CDA. Furthermore, it is given that the area of ABCD is 60.

Step 2: Find the area of triangle ABC.
Since P is the centroid of triangle ABC, we know that the ratio of the areas of triangle ABC and triangle PBC is 2:1 (as the centroid divides the triangle into three smaller triangles with equal areas). Therefore, the area of triangle ABC is (2/3) * area of PBC.

Step 3: Find the area of triangle CDA.
Similarly, since Q is the centroid of triangle CDA, we know that the ratio of the areas of triangle CDA and triangle CQD is also 2:1. Therefore, the area of triangle CDA is (2/3) * area of CQD.

Step 4: Find the areas of triangles PBC and CQD.
To find the areas of triangles PBC and CQD, we need to know the area of ABCD. Given that the area of ABCD is 60, we can divide it into two equal triangles by drawing the diagonal BD. Therefore, each of these triangles will have an area of (1/2) * 60 = 30. So, the area of each of triangles PBC and CQD is 30.

Step 5: Determine the area of quadrilateral PCQA.
To find the area of quadrilateral PCQA, we need to subtract the areas of triangles PBC and CQD from the area of ABCD.

Area of quadrilateral PCQA = Area of ABCD - Area of PBC - Area of CQD

Since we know that the area of ABCD is 60, the area of PBC is 30, and the area of CQD is 30, we can substitute these values into the equation:

Area of quadrilateral PCQA = 60 - 30 - 30 = 0

Therefore, the area of quadrilateral PCQA is 0.

Note: The result might seem counterintuitive, but this is because the centroids of triangles ABC and CDA coincide with the centroid of the kite ABCD, making quadrilateral PCQA degenerate, which means it becomes a line segment or a point. In this case, it becomes a point with zero area.