150 words needed for How can English language arts teachers create a literacy-rich environment in their classrooms? How can these teachers overcome obstacles to literacy or resistance on the part of students?

150 needed for this Language arts contains both receptive (listening, reading) and expressive (speaking, writing) components but no content of its own. Suggest one way that teachers can integrate content and instruction in an English language arts classroom.

3 answers

Build a classroom library, even if you have to use books of your own to do so.

Build an "outside reading requirement" into the grading system.

Now ... what are your ideas?
the only 1 I know is read selectively to be a part of the 1ist one of the 1st set of questions... The second of the 1st set of ? I am stuck on and the 2nd set I am stumped
What seems to be the problem troyer0269