14. Which of the following characteristics is related to z ZigBee signal operating at 2.4 GHz?
a) Passband Signal
b) Baseband signal
c) Digital signal
d) None of the above
15. What is/are the main factor(s) that impact the cellular coverage of an eNB? Select the most accurate option.
a) Radiation pattern of cell tower
b) Obstacles in the channel
c) Shadowing
d) All the above
16. Which of the following technologies operate at 2.4 GHz?
a) 5G/NR
b) GPS
c) WI-FI
d) V2X
17. Among the following 5G applications and use cases, which one will operate at low throughput? Select the most accurate option.
b) eMBB
c) mMTC
d) All the Above
1 answer
14. b) Baseband signal; 15. d) All the above; 16. c) WI-FI; 17. a) URLLC