Yes, we should be concerned about maintaining small amounts of green space in cities and other urban habitats. Green spaces provide a variety of benefits to urban areas, including improved air quality, reduced noise pollution, and increased biodiversity. They also provide recreational opportunities for city dwellers, such as parks, gardens, and trails. Additionally, green spaces can help to reduce the urban heat island effect, which is caused by the concentration of heat-absorbing materials in cities.
At the same time, it is also important to preserve large tracts of relatively undisturbed land in pristine areas. These areas provide important habitats for wildlife, and can help to protect biodiversity. They also provide important recreational opportunities for people, and can help to protect natural resources such as water and soil.
Ultimately, both small green spaces in urban areas and large tracts of land in pristine areas are important for maintaining a healthy environment. Money should be spent on both, as they both provide important benefits to society.
14. Should we be concerned about maintaining small amounts of “green space” in cities and other urban habitats, or would money be better spent in preserving large tracts of relatively undisturbed land in pristine areas? Expound on your answer.
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