star** by my answer

1. Identify the sentence that relies on emotional language. (1 point)

If that happened to me, I would take immediate action.

I would address the situation directly if that ever occurred.

I wouldn’t hesitate to seek outside help if that ever occurred.

If that happened to me, I would sue the living daylights out of somebody.**

2. Identify the statement that is a verifiable fact. (1 point)

Eating potato chips causes a person's skin to break out.

Triple cheeseburgers have a high caloric count.

Chocolate makes most people hyperactive.***

Root beer floats are delicious!

3. Which of the following statements would be considered a hasty generalization? (1 point)

For the moral integrity of our nation, we must not allow this measure to pass.

Wherever there is a doughnut shop, you will find a police car parked outside.

Unlike her brother, she actually likes broccoli.

My friend goes jogging every morning.**

4. Which of the following would be most suitable as a thesis statement for a persuasive essay? (1 point)

Kite flying is a popular recreational activity in many Middle Eastern countries.

Lost dogs have been known to travel hundreds of miles to find their owners.

The state should charge a rain tax for businesses that cause the most environmental damage due to runoff from their paved areas.**

As a film watcher, I get very upset when movie theaters continue to raise their admission rates or charge extra to view a 3-D film.

5. Which of the following is used when a friend suggests that the key to losing weight is eating less and exercising more? (1 point)

6. Identify the type of sentence: Don’t you think it’s a gorgeous day for a walk in the park? (1 point)

7. Identify the type of sentence: I refuse to stand for this treatment any longer! (1 point)

8. Identify the incorrectly punctuated sentence. (1 point)

I want to see dolphins and sharks at the aquarium.

We can feed the animals, at the seal exhibit and at the sting ray tank.**

I will buy Tim a T-shirt and a poster in the gift shop.

In the food court, let’s have pizza, ice cream, and soda.

9. Identify the incorrectly punctuated sentence. (1 point)

I heard you went to dinner and a baseball game last night.

Did you take pictures of the players, and the mascot?**

I wish I could go, but I don’t have enough money for tickets.

I hear there are people who sell popcorn, nachos, and candy in the stands.

10. Identify the incorrectly punctuated sentence. (1 point)

At the party for his parents, Steve made a lovely speech.

After his speech, I congratulated him on a job well done.

We all had tears in our eyes, as he spoke.**

Steve smiled and asked if I wanted a piece of cake.

11. Identify the incorrectly punctuated sentence. (1 point)

You must return your first rental, before they will send you another movie.***

If you cleaned your room, maybe you would be able to find the DVD.

Let’s clear out the trash, clothes, and soda cans.

Yes, I found the DVD under the big pile of laundry by your bed.

12. Which sentence contains an incorrect end mark? (1 point)

Do you want to go to the zoo or to the park today?

I just can’t stand being in the house!

If I don’t get out of here today, I will explode?**

Let’s go get some fresh air.

13. Identify the correctly punctuated sentence. (1 point)

Doing my homework, making my bed, and practicing guitar are on my to-do list for the day.*

Doing my homework, is the first thing I should do.

Doing my homework I found my mind start to drift.

Doing my homework, and making my bed are the things I don’t want to do.

User Icon for Ms. Sue Ms. Sue answered
8 years ago

These are right.

1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.

Good job!

User Icon for Rynn Rynn answered
8 years ago

Thank you! do you think you can help me with 1 and 2?

User Icon for Rynn Rynn answered
8 years ago


User Icon for Ms. Sue Ms. Sue answered
8 years ago

Think about them. I'll be glad to check your answers.

User Icon for cat cat answered
8 years ago

2. D

3. is A or B but i'm thinking B

User Icon for Rynn Rynn answered
8 years ago

i was thinking a for 3 cat

User Icon for Rynn Rynn answered
8 years ago

what do you think Ms. Sue?

User Icon for Ms. Sue Ms. Sue answered
8 years ago

2. is not D.

3. is not A.

User Icon for Rynn Rynn answered
8 years ago

Thank you Ms. Sue.

User Icon for Ms. Sue Ms. Sue answered
8 years ago

You're welcome, Rynn.

User Icon for Skyyyyzzzz Skyyyyzzzz answered
8 years ago

I believe 2 is A and 3 is B

User Icon for mish mish answered
6 years ago

This is very old, but hopefully I'll be a help to anyone looking at this now.

Number 2 is asking for a statement that is verifiable. Can you verify 100% that potato chips cause a person's skin to break out? You'd have to find that, factually, every person who has ever eaten potato chips has broken out because of that direct link.

The third option is also making a generalization. If something generalizes people AT ALL, it is not a fact. If it makes mass generalizations about food or people or most other products, it is not a fact. There is no way to verify those types of things. Keep that in mind.

The fourth option is a complete opinion. There's no way that's a fact. Using an adjective like "delicious" is in no way verifiable.

That leaves the second option. Can you verify triple cheeseburgers have a high caloric count? Yes. Google it. Look at a menu and see the high number. It's a verifiable fact. You will never find a triple cheeseburger that is 50 calories, it is impossible.

Hopefully this helps people realize what a verifiable fact is, because in the comments no one seems to know.

And on the topic of generalization, question 3.
hasty generalization is defined as a "fallacy in which a conclusion is not logically justified by sufficient or unbiased evidence. Also called insufficient sample, converse accident, faulty generalization, biased generalization, jumping to a conclusion, secundum quid, and neglect of qualifications."
The first option isn't really a generalization, for it doesn't group a large group of people or things into a set category, it's just an opinion.
The second option groups an entire mass of people (police officers) into a stereotype that ALL cops eat doughnuts. It doesn't phrase it as an opinion, it phrases it as a FACT. But is it a fact that all cops love doughnuts?
The third option is verifiable enough. Does her brother like broccoli? Ask him, in this case he doesn't. Does she? Yes she does. So come to your own conclusion, this isn't generalizating anyone.
The fourth option is once again easy enough to verify. It's just a declarative statement. She goes jogging every morning. Not generalizating because it's believed she does go jogging. No logic is needed.

Come to your own conclusion, the answer is simple. I won't go through and explain every question, but take time to think about definitions in these questions. KEYWORDS. verifiable fact. hasty generalization. think about these things.

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
4 years ago

Emotional intelligence is increasingly becoming a mainstream importance in relationships. Defined by helpguide as the “ability to understand, use, and manage your own emotions in positive ways to relieve stress, communicate effectively, empathize with others, overcome challenges and defuse conflict,” emotional intelligence centers in reading emotions in guiding your relationships with others.

This is particularly important in your business: with team members, employees, clients, and in networking. Emotional intelligence not only has the capacity to better relationships, but expand your own influence over those you have relationships with (which is especially important in client or employee relationships). Here are three ways to engage emotional intelligence to better your relationships and expand your influence.

User Icon for tree tree answered
4 years ago

DO NOT CHEAT ON TESTS!! DELETE THIS POST NOW. should really do it yourself

User Icon for legs legs answered
4 years ago


User Icon for teeth teeth answered
4 years ago


User Icon for Boba Bunnii Boba Bunnii answered
3 years ago

tree, you say that but then ask yourself.....

why are YOU here?

User Icon for lol lol answered
3 years ago

lol that is true Boba Bunnii. Tree why are you here??? lol

User Icon for tree delete your post tree delete your post answered
3 years ago

bro you're not cool, and he's not cheating. He's just asking for someone to double check his answers before they're submitted.

User Icon for your mom your mom answered
2 years ago

Deez nuts

User Icon for tree gets some help tree gets some help answered
2 years ago

what are you going to do about it cry all you want it's not going to change

User Icon for pinetreestastelikemilk pinetreestastelikemilk answered
2 years ago

for Connexus here are the answers

1 you're slowly killing...
2 triple cheeseburgers have...
3 swimming after...
4 the state should...
5 ethos
6 interrogative
7 exclamatory
8 she wants to buy...
9 it is such a...
10 we all had...
11 no running...
12 which store shall...
13 doing my homework, making my be, and practicing...
15 e 16 a 17 b 18 d 19 e 20 b 21 e 22 d 23 a
15-23 may be wrong as I'm typing this before those were checked

User Icon for 下らない 💤 下らない 💤 answered
2 years ago

We have different test answers. Be careful ya beautiful losers.

User Icon for Tree go away Tree go away answered
2 years ago

Yknow what tree..? I AM CHEATING!! it’s gonna stay that way cause I’m enjoying life and not worrying abt school :] stay mad lol

User Icon for Connexus Helper Connexus Helper answered
2 years ago

im doing the test rn, the essay questin y'all going have to do by your self

User Icon for Random Sophomore Random Sophomore answered
2 years ago

The questions change consistently, I recommend searching them up individually. its time consuming but it builds a better chance of a good grade. a word of advice, never use test answers that consist of only letter choice answers. only use answers that are typed out.

User Icon for Tree get offf Tree get offf answered
2 years ago

Go away tree we enjoy cheating

User Icon for Tree get offf Tree get offf answered
2 years ago

That’s what we do best I haven’t done homework in a mount hand a half have 63 overdue lessons and I finished it all in 3 days

User Icon for MissFire🖤 MissFire🖤 answered
1 year ago


User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

It's important to do your own work and learn the material for your own benefit, rather than just trying to pass a class. Academic honesty is essential in achieving success and personal growth. Cheating may seem attractive in the moment, but it ultimately only harms yourself and undermines the value of your education. It's never too late to start doing the right thing and working hard to achieve your goals.

User Icon for Bro Bro answered
1 year ago

I’m sorry y’all but some of y’all are ridiculous. Like fr. We all need help every once and awhile but for those of you who just sit here and wait for others to contribute their answers are ridiculous. I bet you 8 out of 10 of those people probably failed those tests just to give you the right answers. I don’t know how y’all’s parents raised you but have some respect. It’s not that hard. I mean it isn’t like Connections Academy doesn’t allow resets, because they do. If it makes it easier for you guy on all the answers then write the right answers down and ask for a reset. Anyways, I’m done with this rant. Peace y’all.

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

You make a good point. While it's okay to ask for help and clarification, relying solely on others to provide you with answers is not a sustainable or productive way to learn. It's important to take responsibility for your own education and make an effort to understand and engage with the material. Practicing good academic ethics and integrity will not only benefit you in the long run, but also show respect for yourself and others.

User Icon for Fecker Fecker answered
1 year ago

For feck sake nobody here is being clear what the answers are,

User Icon for Bot Bot answered
1 year ago

I'm sorry to hear that you are having trouble finding clear answers. As an AI language model, I cannot guarantee that any specific answer keys are correct, as it is important that students learn the material for themselves in order to succeed. I suggest studying the material thoroughly and attempting the questions to the best of your ability, and seeking further help if needed.