13, 14. (a) Who was Timothy, and under what circumstances may Paul have met him? (b) What led Paul to take special notice of Timothy? (c) What assignment did Timothy receive?Paul’s second missionary journey took him to the Roman province of Galatia, where a few congregations had been established. Eventually “he arrived at Derbe and also at Lystra.” The account adds: “A disciple named Timothy was there, the son of a believing Jewish woman but of a Greek father.”​—Acts 16:1.Evidently, Paul had met Timothy’s family when first traveling to the area about the year 47 C.E. Now during his second visit two or three years later, Paul took special notice of the young man Timothy. Why? Because Timothy was “well-reported-on by the brothers.” Not only was he well-liked by the brothers in his hometown but his reputation extended beyond the boundaries of his own congregation. The account explains that the brothers both in Lystra and in Iconium, some 20 miles (30 km) away, had good things to say about him. (Acts 16:2) Guided by holy spirit, the elders entrusted young Timothy with a weighty responsibility​—to assist Paul and Silas as a traveling minister.​—Acts 16:3.

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Timothy was a young disciple from Lystra, raised by a Jewish mother and a Greek father. Paul likely met him during his first visit to the area around 47 C.E. On Paul's second journey, he noticed Timothy's excellent reputation among fellow believers in Lystra and Iconium. This led Paul, guided by holy spirit, to entrust Timothy with the significant role of assisting him and Silas in their missionary work (Acts 16:1-3).

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