i want you to review the (3)descriptions and the (4)questions and correct my answers of this worksheet called Scientific Method Bikini Bottom Experiments. tank you tutors for reviewing the descriptions and questions and correcting my answers.

The Bikini Bottom gang loves science class and wanted to do a little research. Read the description for each experiment and use your knowledge of the scientific method to answer the questions.

(1) Flower Power
SpongeBob loves to garden and wants to grow lots of pink flowers for his pal Sandy. He bought a special Flower Power fertilizer to see if [it] will help plants produce more flowers. He plants two plants of the same size in separate containers with the same amount of potting soil. He places one plant in a sunny window and waters it every day with fertilized water. He places the other plant on a shelf in a closet and waters it with plain water every other day.

What did SpongeBob do wrong in this experiment? Explain.
my answer: SpongeBob placed the other plant on a shelf in a closet and waters it with plain water every other day. These are wrong since SpongeBob is supposed to place both plants on the same location, same exposure of light, water both plants the same days. He's supposed to change only one variable at a time and keep the others the same.

What should SpongeBob do to test the effectiveness of Flower Power fertilizer? Write an experiment.
Spongebob should've first plant two plants or flowers of the same size in separate containers with the same amount of potting soil. Second, place both plants on a sunny window. Third, water one of the plants with fertilized water and the other plant with plain water every day. Fourth, he should record the data of the growth of both plants every day by their height in cm. Fifth, repeats steps 3 and 4 for 2-3 weeks. Sixth, come to a conclusion.

(2) Super Snails
Gary is not the smartest snail in Bikini Bottom and believes he can improve his brain power by eating Super Snail Snacks. In order to test this hypothesis, he recruits SpongeBob and several snail friends to help him with the experiment. The snails ate one snack with each meal every day for three weeks. Spongebob created a test and gave it to the snails before they started eating the snacks as well as after three weeks.

A data table was given named "Test Results"
Snail Before After
Gary 64% 80%
Larry 78% 78%
Barry 82% 84%
Terry 72% 70%

Based on the data provided, do the Super Snail Snacks work? Explain your answer.
i think: Yes, the Super Snail Snacks do work, but only for snails that have low percentage on intelligence (range of 60-70%), like for Gary, he had 64% before and increased up to 80% after eating the Super Snail Snacks. But, for Terry, it decreased 2% after eating the SSS (Super Snail Snacks)maybe due to his percentage before, which was 72% and was already smart. For Barry, he increased 2%, maybe because he was already smart and it the SSS wasn't effective for developed snail brains. For Larry, the SSS didn't increased before and after, maybe because he already had a developed brain and that didn't increase or decrease his brain.

(3) Bubble Time
Patrick loves bubble gum and would like to be able to blow bigger bubbles than anyone else in Bikini Bottom. To prepare for the Bikini Bottom Big Bubble Contest, he bought five different brands of bubble gum and needs your help to find the brand that creates the biggest bubbles. Write an experiment to test the bubble power of the bubble gum brands and help Patricks win the contest.
i think: First, Patrick should buy five different brands or bring out the five different brands he bought. Second, he needs materials like a (paper) ruler, teeth, a mouth, tape, a wall, a safe environment, and a data table. Third, he will tape a ruler on a wall. Fourth, he will chew and blow each bubble gum brand with the same teeth against the wall with the ruler and blow with the same mouth until it has reached its' maximum bubble. Fifth, he will carefully measure each bubbles' diameter and radius in cm with the ruler on the wall. Sixth, he will calculate each bubbles' circumference, circle area, sphere surface area, and the sphere volume. Seventh, he will record the data on a data table. Eight, he will repeat steps 4, 5, 6, and 7 3 times. Ninth, he will come to a conclusion.

please feel free to add suggestions and correct my answers. tank you tutors for reviewing the questions and descriptions and my answers.

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
1 year ago

(1) Flower Power:

Your answer is correct. SpongeBob did not properly control the variables in his experiment. To test the effectiveness of the Flower Power fertilizer, SpongeBob should have placed both plants in the same location with the same exposure to light. He should have watered both plants on the same days with the same amount of water, but only vary the type of water (fertilized water vs. plain water). Your suggested experiment is comprehensive and follows the correct steps of the scientific method.

(2) Super Snails:
Your answer is partially correct. Based on the data provided, it is not accurate to say that the Super Snail Snacks work. Gary did show an improvement in the test results, but Larry's results remained the same and Terry's results actually decreased. It is important to consider all the data instead of focusing on individual cases. A more accurate conclusion would be that the results are inconclusive or that the Super Snail Snacks may have different effects on different individuals. It would be helpful to provide a clearer explanation for the data and its implications.

(3) Bubble Time:
Your answer is mostly correct. The experiment you suggested is well-structured and follows the scientific method. However, it would be helpful to clarify how Patrick would determine which brand creates the biggest bubbles. One possible approach would be to measure the diameter or volume of each bubble and compare the results. Additionally, it might be beneficial for Patrick to have a control brand or a brand known for creating small bubbles to provide a basis for comparison. Aside from these minor points, your experiment setup is well thought out.

Overall, your answers show a good understanding of the scientific method and the importance of controlling variables in experiments. Keep in mind the need for clear and accurate conclusions based on the data provided in each scenario. Great job!