–125 ÷ –5 = ?

A. -23
B. -25
C. 23
D. 25 (My Answer)

Pls check!!!

21 answers

Hello Starfire!
Your answer is correct!
Your welcome!
The correct answers to the lesson 6 Unit 4 practice
Warning: If these are wrong for you pls don't blame me because the teacher is the one who maybe changed the questions so if some of these answers choices don't feel correct to you then don't use these cause you may have different questions than me. Have a good day!
Jooh...... or whatever his name is, is CORRECT!!!! 100%
cheaters cheaters pumpkin eaters
Why the hell are here then " " oh right to cheat! So shut up if ur cheating too!
And plus Starfire didn't cheat, she was checking her work!
@GEE cheater
@GEE cheater cheater pumpkin eater
@GEE s t u p i d cheater
Be quiet @GEE you don't know if they are cheating stop being a conclusion jumper leave them alone
I wasn't saying they are cheating!!! that blank name guy was! And I wasn't trying to BE RUDE! why do people only say bad things to people who aren't even trying to be rude but leave out the people who say mean things just because some people cheat! If people cheat thats they're fault so why do others have to say mean things to them... Now that is rude. Why cant others mind there own bees wax!
You was the one being rude though. You can't just JUMP right into a solution. And you can tell me to mind my business, it not like your my mom. And cheating isn't that bad, its just the amount of times you do it. They weren't even talking to you so your the one who needs to mind their business. So what if they say "cheating", Why is it bothering you? Does it affect you? You could of just said nothing and none of this would of happened, but NoOoO. Just leave them alone. It's not like they robbed your bank or something.
thanks @Stop being rude! :D
Np! People are so rude nowadays! Like, they have to say something. If you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all. Its that simple. They don't know what other people are doing. 🤦‍♀️
So why aren't u guys staying quiet then huh @stop being rude. Why is what I say bothering you when I wasn't even talking to you. Like you said, you could have said nothing and you would have no part of this but noooo! So be quiet if your doing it too! I didn't even start this that blank name did! Gosh!
can you all stop arguing and say the answers
@StopBeingRude! gee wasn't being rude at all "" was being rude for calling everyone cheats also @"" if your here to call people cheaters then get off of this website This is a cheating website not a Connexus website