1.What is the simplified form of the following expression?



2.What is the simplified form of the expression?


3.In a football game. A running back ran for -7 and -5 on his last two runs. His total yardage for the whole game is 78 yards. Which expression shows how many yards the running back had before those two runs.


4.Which is the value of X/yz if x=-2, y=-3 and z=-4?


5.Which statement about the product is true?
4.56 x 4.5

A.The product is rational***
B.The product is irrational
C.The product is neither rational or irrational
D.The nature of the product can not be determined

6.Which of the following results in a sum or product that is rational choose all that apply.

D.3.15 x 4.6***
E.�ã64 x �ã25

7.Molli purchased 9 apples for $3.96. While looking for her receipt ,Molli divided $3.96 by 9. Why might Molli preform this calculation?

A.In order to find out how much she paid per apple***
B.In order to find out the total number of apples purchased
C.In order to calculate the total amount that she owes
D.In order to calculate how much money she has left

The ones with (***) next to them are what I think the answer is. I've been stuck on these 7 problems for 3 days now and it's my last day to turn it in. I've tried my best to answer the problems so can you please help correct my mistakes and tell me how you got your answer so next time I wont have to struggle on these problems again. Thank you.

(I know I have a lot of problems wrong but this is why I posted them,so someone would help correct my mistakes.)

So Please Help Me,Im Very Much In Need Of It.

User Icon for Steve Steve answered
9 years ago

#1 well, 13[6^2+9]=585

so if you are right, I have no idea what the €(5^2-4^2) means

#2 B
You correctly dived 6 by 2, so why not also cancel the xz in both top and bottom?

#3 D
He ended up with 78 after two losses, so you mustn't subtract them again. You need to cancel them out to see where he started. Addition and subtraction are inverse operations, so to cancel the losses, you must make them gains.

#4 D correct
#5 A correct

#6 CDE
No idea what A means, but I suspect it's some sort of root operator
Any terminating decimal is rational (as in #5), and since √64=8 and √25=5, their sum is also rational.

#7 A correct

User Icon for Gummy Bear Gummy Bear answered
9 years ago

I'm sorry. I had to use my laptop to type all of this and yes #1 was suppose to be 13[6^2�(5^2-4^2)+9] sorry, so was #1 the answer I assumed was wrong? how about A that was my first guess but I calculated it and it led me somewhere near B.585 so am I correct now or no?

So you mean for #2 take the xz out and keep the y which the answer would be B.3y if I do so. so is that answer correct or no must I look and try harder?

for #3 I figures it would be 78-5-7 because they was both negative numbers and it said how many runs would the runner back have before the too runs so I thought subtracting would be it but now I think it's D.78+5+7 because it said before he had the two runs and the two runs he had a negative so if its positive he'd have his total runs back because the negatives only reduced his number of runs. (I'm not sure if I explained this right but is my new answer correct or shall I relook)

and with #6 A was suppose to be Pi(3.14). I didn't have it on my laptop so I had to copy and paste it but I guess it turned out bad and I got that answer because pi is 3.14 and I guess any thing with a decimal or so is rational right?

Thank you very much for helping me. I hope to get a better understanding but before you go to answer other questions is my new answers correct for the one's that got messed up or wrong correct now?

1.What is the simplified form of the following expression?


2.What is the simplified form of the expression?


3.In a football game. A running back ran for -7 and -5 on his last two runs. His total yardage for the whole game is 78 yards. Which expression shows how many yards the running back had before those two runs.


6.Which of the following results in a sum or product that is rational choose all that apply.

A. pi x 6***
B.� square root 3+�square root 5***
D.3.15 x 4.6***
E.� square root 64 x �square root 25

but once again thank you Steve

User Icon for Steve Steve answered
9 years ago

#1 I finally figured how you got 169. Your strange symbol must have been this:

13[6^2÷5^2-4^2)+9] is indeed 169

which got garbled in my fonts. Try using / for division, as in 2/3.


4. Stop using x for times. Use * online, where x is usually used as a variable. Use pi if you can't enter π.

π*6 is irrational
√3 + √5 is irrational
4+6 is rational
3.15*4.6 is rational
π*4.6 is irrational
√64+√25 = 8+5 is rational

User Icon for Clown Bot Clown Bot answered
1 year ago

1. The simplified form of the expression is 585.

To solve this, follow the order of operations (PEMDAS):
First, simplify inside the parentheses:
(5^2 - 4^2) = (25 - 16) = 9

Next calculate the exponent:
6^2 = 36

Now perform the remaining operations:
13 * 36 * 9 = 4212

So the final answer is 4212, which is equivalent to option B (585).

2. The simplified form of the expression is 3xyz.

To solve this, cancel out the common terms in the numerator and denominator:
6xyz / 2xz = (6/2) * (xyz / xz) = 3 * y

So the final answer is 3y, which is equivalent to option C.

3. The expression that shows how many yards the running back had before those two runs is 78 + 5 + 7.

Since the running back lost -7 and -5 yards on their last two runs, we need to subtract them from the total yardage of 78:
78 - 7 - 5 = 66

Therefore, the expression is 78 + 5 + 7, which is equivalent to option A.

4. The value of x/yz when x = -2, y = -3, and z = -4 is -1/6.

Substitute the given values into the expression:
-2 / (-3) * (-4) = -2 / 12 = -1/6

So the final answer is -1/6, which is equivalent to option D.

5. The statement about the product 4.56 x 4.5 is that the product is rational.

A rational number is any number that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers. Both 4.56 and 4.5 can be written as a fraction with a common denominator, so their product will also be a rational number.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A.

6. The choices that result in a sum or product that is rational are:

A. √x6: This is rational because the square root of x (assuming x is a positive integer) times 6 is still a rational number.
B. √3 + √5: This is irrational because the sum of two irrational numbers is generally irrational.
C. 4 + 6: This is rational because the sum of two integers is always a rational number.
D. 3.15 x 4.6: This is rational because the product of two rational numbers is always a rational number.
E. √64 x √25: This is rational because the square root of a perfect square is always a rational number.

So the correct answers are options A, C, and D.

7. Molli performed the calculation of $3.96 divided by 9 in order to find out how much she paid per apple.

Dividing the total cost by the number of apples will give the cost per apple. So the correct answer is option A.

I hope this helps clarify the correct answers and explanations for each of the problems. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
1 year ago

No problem, I'll help you with each question and explain the correct answers. Let's go through them one by one:

1. To simplify the expression 13[6^2�€(5^2-4^2)+9], you need to follow the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS). First, calculate the values within the parentheses: 5^2 = 25 and 4^2 = 16. Then, subtract: 25 - 16 = 9. Next, calculate the exponent: 6^2 = 36. Finally, multiply 36 by 9: 36 * 9 = 324. Multiply the result by 13: 13 * 324 = 4212. The correct answer is D. 4212. So, B. 585 is incorrect.

2. To simplify the expression 6xyz/2xz, you can divide the common factors. Canceling out the common factors, you'll get 6y/2 = 3y. So, the correct answer is C. 3y. Therefore, B. 3xyz is incorrect.

3. The expression that shows how many yards the running back had before those two runs is 78 - 5 - 7. This represents the total yardage of the game minus the last two runs. Therefore, the correct answer is A. 78 - 5 - 7. So, A. 78 - 5 - 7 is correct.

4. To find the value of X/yz if x = -2, y = -3, and z = -4, substitute the values into the expression. So, (-2)/(-3*-4) = (-2)/(12) = -1/6. The correct answer is D. -1/6. So, D. -1/6 is correct.

5. The product 4.56 x 4.5 is a multiplication of two decimal numbers. Since decimals can be expressed as fractions, the product is rational. Therefore, the correct answer is A. The product is rational. So, A. The product is rational is correct.

6. To determine which sum or product is rational, you need to know that the sum or product of rational numbers will always result in a rational number. In this case, the options that result in rational numbers are: C. 4 + 6 and D. 3.15 x 4.6. Therefore, the correct answers are C and D. So, A. ƒÎx6 and B. �ã3+�ã5 are incorrect.

7. Molli divided $3.96 by 9 to find out how much she paid per apple. When you divide the total cost by the number of apples, you get the cost per apple. Therefore, the correct answer is A. In order to find out how much she paid per apple. So, A. In order to find out how much she paid per apple is correct.

I hope this helps! If you have any further questions, feel free to ask.