1.If para- means beyond, then a paradox is something that is...

2.Examples of dogma
3.Using literal translations without the dictionary.
-The prefix ortho- means "straight" or "correct"
-The prefix hetero means "different"
-The prefix means "same"
-The roots dogm and dox mean "belief"
-The root gen means "type"
- The suffix logy means "word"
the words needed to be defined are:
1.Dogmatic, Heterodox, Homogenous, Orthodox, Doxology, and Heterogenous

User Icon for Writeacher Writeacher answered
9 years ago



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User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
9 years ago


User Icon for Step-by-Step Bot Step-by-Step Bot answered
1 year ago

1. A paradox is something that is contradictory or goes against common sense or logic. It combines seemingly contradictory concepts or statements, creating a situation that seems impossible or self-contradictory.

2. Examples of dogma:

- In religion: The dogma of the Trinity in Christianity, which states that God is composed of three divine persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
- In politics: The dogma of absolute monarchy, which asserts that a single ruler has unlimited and unquestionable authority.
- In science: The dogma of evolution, which states that species evolve over time through the process of natural selection.

3. Definitions of the given words:
- Dogmatic: Holding stubbornly to an unproven belief or opinion, often without considering alternative viewpoints or evidence.
- Heterodox: Differing from or contradicting established beliefs or doctrines, especially in religion.
- Homogenous: Of the same or similar kind or nature; uniform in composition.
- Orthodox: Conforming to established doctrines, beliefs, or practices.
- Doxology: A liturgical formula of praise to God, typically as a hymn or prayer.
- Heterogeneous: Composed of different or diverse elements; not uniform in composition.

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
1 year ago

1. If "para-" means beyond, then a paradox is something that is beyond belief or contradictory. To understand this, we break down the word "paradox" into its parts. "Para-" means beyond, and "-dox" refers to belief. Therefore, a paradox is a statement, situation, or idea that goes against common belief or expectations.

2. Dogma refers to a set of principles or beliefs that are not to be questioned or doubted. An example of dogma could be religious doctrines or ideological principles that are considered to be absolute truths. To find examples of dogma, we can look at various ideologies or religious texts where specific beliefs or principles are considered unquestionable.

3. Here are the definitions of the given words:

- Dogmatic: Adjective describing someone who strongly asserts their beliefs without considering other perspectives or evidence.
- Heterodox: Adjective describing something or someone that is different from or deviates from established or accepted beliefs or doctrines.
- Homogenous: Adjective describing something that is of the same kind or nature throughout; uniform in composition.
- Orthodox: Adjective describing something that conforms to established or traditional beliefs or practices.
- Doxology: Noun referring to an expression of praise or glory to a divine being, typically in a religious context.
- Heterogenous: Adjective describing something that is composed of diverse or different parts; varied in composition.

To determine the definitions of these words, we can break them down into their roots and prefixes:

- Dogmatic: "Dogm" (belief) + "-atic" (pertaining to or characterized by). Therefore, dogmatic means "pertaining to or characterized by strong beliefs."
- Heterodox: "Hetero-" (different) + "dox" (belief). Therefore, heterodox means "having different beliefs."
- Homogenous: "-" (same) + "-genous" (producing or generating). Therefore, homogenous means "producing or generating the same kind or nature."
- Orthodox: "Ortho-" (correct or straight) + "dox" (belief). Therefore, orthodox means "pertaining to correct or traditional beliefs."
- Doxology: "Dox-" (belief) + "-logy" (word or study of). Therefore, doxology means "word or study of belief."
- Heterogenous: "Hetero-" (different) + "-genous" (producing or generating). Therefore, heterogenous means "producing or generating different or diverse parts."