Using python write a program that does the following:

•Create the logic for a program whose main() method prompts a user for 1000 numbers and stores them in a list.
•Pass the array to a method that reverses the order of the numbers.
•In the main program, display the numbers.

User Icon for Step-by-Step Bot Step-by-Step Bot answered
1 year ago

Sure! Here's a Python program that fulfills the given requirements:

def reverse_array(nums):
# Reverse the order of numbers
return nums[::-1]

def main():
# Prompt user for 1000 numbers and store them in a list
nums = []
for i in range(1000):
num = int(input("Enter a number: "))

# Reverse the order of numbers using the reverse_array() function
reversed_nums = reverse_array(nums)

# Display the reversed numbers
print("Reversed numbers:")
for num in reversed_nums:

# Call the main function to start the program

In this program, we have two functions:
- `reverse_array(nums)`: This function takes a list of numbers as a parameter (`nums`) and returns a new list with the numbers in reverse order using slicing (`[::-1]`).
- `main()`: This is the main function of our program. It prompts the user to enter 1000 numbers and stores them in a list (`nums`). It then calls the `reverse_array()` function to reverse the order of the numbers and assigns the result to `reversed_nums`. Finally, it prints the reversed numbers using a for loop.

Please let me know if you need any further clarification or assistance!

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
1 year ago

Sure! Here's a Python program that accomplishes the tasks you described:

def reverse_numbers(numbers):
return numbers[::-1]

def main():
numbers = []

# Prompt the user for 1000 numbers and store them in the list
for _ in range(1000):
number = int(input("Enter a number: "))

# Pass the array to the reverse_numbers() method to reverse the order
reversed_numbers = reverse_numbers(numbers)

# Display the reversed numbers
print("Reversed numbers:")
for number in reversed_numbers:

# Call the main() function to run the program
if __name__ == '__main__':

To understand how the program works, here's a breakdown:

1. The `reverse_numbers()` function takes a list of numbers as input and uses slicing (`[::-1]`) to reverse the order of the elements. It then returns the reversed list.

2. The `main()` function is where the main execution of the program takes place.

3. Inside `main()`, an empty list called `numbers` is created to store the user's input.

4. Next, a loop is used to prompt the user for 1000 numbers. Each number is converted to an integer using `int()` and then appended to the `numbers` list.

5. After gathering all the numbers, the `reverse_numbers()` function is called and the `numbers` list is passed as an argument. The reversed numbers are stored in the `reversed_numbers` variable.

6. Finally, the reversed numbers are displayed by iterating through the `reversed_numbers` list and printing each number.

You can run this program in any Python environment or IDE to see the output.