12. The best way for a school to demonstrate multicultural awareness is to

A. host special “ethnic” or “diversity” student assemblies.
B. include multicultural content in as many subject areas as possible—in mathematics, science, etc.
C. celebrate ethnic or cultural holidays throughout the year.
D. review all classroom materials and books for appropriate cultural content..

I put C...but am not sure.

5 answers

I think it's B.
I think Jen is right.

A and C are superficial ways to do this.
This is what my text says:

Activities such as having students
welcome a non-English-speaking student into the class, dressing up
in ethnic garb, or celebrating a variety of ethnic holidays all are good
ideas for demonstrating similarities and differences. Books, bulletin
boards, and field trips related to student interests also greatly enhance
traditional classroom offerings.
Yes, but it's very superficial. These types of things typically don't result on long-term learning and children's attitudes toward and acceptance of others. Your text is right that these things are done, but to truly aim for life-long attitudes, I believe B is correct.
...typically don't result in long-term...