break even analysis. suppose a certain product sells for a dollars per unit. then the revenue from selling x units of the product is ax dollars if the cost of producting each unit of the product is b dollars and the company has overhead cost of c dollars then the total cost of producing x unit of the product is bx + c dollars. write a programe. ( note revenue is the amount of money received from the sale of the product . the value of a, b and c are called the marginal revenue, marginal cost and fixed cost respectively. the break even point is the value of x for which the revenue equals the total cost. write program that request the marginal revenue. write a program that request the marginal revenue, marginal cost, fixed cost and number of units of the product produced and sold (x) and then displays one of the following three output : profit, loss or break even.

This is what I have so far, but I'm stuck.

If IsNumeric(fixedCost) And IsNumeric(marginalRev) And IsNumeric(marginalCost) And IsNumeric(units) Then
marginalRev = CDbl(txtMargin.Text)
marginalCost = CDbl(txtMarginCost.Text)
fixedCost = CDbl(txtFixedCost.Text)
units = CDbl(txtUnits.Text)
MessageBox.Show("Please enter a number.")
End If
stats = CStr(txtStatus.Text)
stats = marginalRev * marginalCost - (marginalCost * fixedCost)
Select Case stats
Case Is = 0
stats = "Break Even"
Case Is < 0
stats = "Profit"
Case Is > 0
stats = "Loss"
Case Else
stats = "MISTAKE"

End Select
txtStatus.Text = stats
End Sub

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
1 year ago

To complete the program, you need to follow these steps:

1. Declare and initialize the necessary variables: `marginalRev`, `marginalCost`, `fixedCost`, `units`, and `stats`.

2. Use input functions (e.g., `InputBox` or reading from a form) to get the values for `marginalRev`, `marginalCost`, `fixedCost`, and `units` from the user.

3. Check if the input values are valid numbers. You can use the `IsNumeric` function for this.

4. Perform the break-even analysis calculation: `revenue = marginalRev * units` and `totalCost = (marginalCost * units) + fixedCost`.

5. Compare the revenue and total cost to determine if it's a profit, loss, or break-even situation:
- If `revenue > totalCost`, set `stats` to "Profit".
- If `revenue < totalCost`, set `stats` to "Loss".
- If `revenue = totalCost`, set `stats` to "Break Even".

6. Display the result to the user. You can use a message box or set the result to a text box.

Here's the updated code:

Dim marginalRev As Double
Dim marginalCost As Double
Dim fixedCost As Double
Dim units As Double
Dim revenue As Double
Dim totalCost As Double
Dim stats As String

marginalRev = CDbl(InputBox("Enter the marginal revenue:"))
marginalCost = CDbl(InputBox("Enter the marginal cost:"))
fixedCost = CDbl(InputBox("Enter the fixed cost:"))
units = CDbl(InputBox("Enter the number of units produced and sold:"))

revenue = marginalRev * units
totalCost = (marginalCost * units) + fixedCost

If revenue > totalCost Then
stats = "Profit"
ElseIf revenue < totalCost Then
stats = "Loss"
stats = "Break Even"
End If


This program will prompt the user for the values needed for the break-even analysis and display the result (profit, loss, or break-even) using a message box.