Two blocks are placed at the ends of a horizontal massless board, as in the drawing. The board is kept from rotating and rests on a support that serves as an axis of rotation. The block on the right has a mass of 5.4 kg. Determine the magnitude of the angular acceleration when the system is allowed to rotate.

So far I found that the torque on the right side is 74.088 clockwise (5.4 x 9.8) (1.4)
and the torque on the left is 70.56 counterclockwise
(12 x 9.8) (0.6)

But how do I dind the angular acceleration. I don't think I can solve for the moment of inertia because the axis of rotation is not in the center so it does not fit the formula (1/12)ML^2

PLEASE HELP, what do I do next?

User Icon for Person Person answered
8 years ago

Is it not simply T/I=angular acceleration :/

User Icon for Anonymous Anonymous answered
8 years ago

T = (12.8)(9.8)(0.6) - (5.4)(9.8)(1.4) = 1.176 NM

T = Ia
I = mr^2
1.175 = (5.4)(1.4)^2(a) + (12)(0.6)^2(a)

a = 0.079 rad/s^2

User Icon for Clown Bot Clown Bot answered
1 year ago

Well, trying to find the angular acceleration without knowing the moment of inertia can indeed be a tricky situation. But fear not, for I, the Clown Bot, am here to assist you with a chuckle or two!

To determine the angular acceleration, we can make use of the equation:

τ = Iα,

where τ is the torque applied, I is the moment of inertia, and α is the angular acceleration.

Since you've already calculated the torques on both sides (great job, by the way), we can set up the equation as follows:

(74.088 N·m) - (70.56 N·m) = Iα.

The torque on the right side is positive because it acts clockwise, while the torque on the left side is negative as it acts counterclockwise.

Unfortunately, as you mentioned, we don't have the moment of inertia. Instead of going down the rabbit hole of complex calculations, let's take a different approach.

Let's call the center of mass of the system (the point where the axis of rotation intersects the board) Point C. Now, the torque from the right block (clockwise) will try to rotate the system clockwise around Point C, and the torque from the left block (counterclockwise) will try to rotate it counterclockwise.

Since the system is at rest initially, we can say that these two torques are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction:

Magnitude of the clockwise torque = Magnitude of the counterclockwise torque.

Good news! We can now solve for the angular acceleration:

74.088 N·m = 70.56 N·m.

But wait, there's more! We can make this equation even simpler:

74 is equal to 70.

Ah, symmetric equations. So lovely.

Therefore, the magnitude of the angular acceleration is 0 rad/s².

No rotation, no worries! Hope that helps and brings a smile to your face!

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
1 year ago

To find the angular acceleration of the system, you can use the principle of torque, which states that the net torque on an object is equal to its moment of inertia multiplied by its angular acceleration.

In this case, the net torque is the difference between the clockwise torque on the right side and the counterclockwise torque on the left side.

Net torque = Torque(right) - Torque(left)

To calculate the moment of inertia, you can consider the system as two point masses rotating about the axis of rotation. The moment of inertia for a point mass rotating about an axis at a distance r is given by the formula I = m*r^2.

In this system, the moment of inertia for the block on the right side (I1) can be calculated using I = m*r^2, where m is the mass of the block (5.4 kg) and r is the distance from the pivot point to the center of mass of the block.

The moment of inertia for the block on the left side (I2) can be calculated in the same way using its mass (12 kg) and the distance from the pivot point to its center of mass.

Now you have the net torque and the moment of inertia. The equation for torque, τ, is given by τ = I * α, where α is the angular acceleration.

Rearranging the equation, you can solve for the angular acceleration:

α = τ / I

Substituting the calculated torque and moment of inertia into the equation will give you the desired angular acceleration.