11. Your realized income is $3,167.89/Month, and your fixed expenses are $954.32/every 2 weeks. If you save 50% of your discretionary monies each month, you are saving $1,583.94/month.
12. You have a credit card with a balance of $2,856.74 at a 14.75% APR. Instead of saving the amount in question #11 in a savings account, you put the amount toward reducing your debt. The interest you save in 1 full month is $37.45.
11. Your realized income is $3,167.89/Month, and your fixed expenses are $954.32/every 2 weeks. If you save 50% of your discretionary monies each month, how much are you saving?
12. You have a credit card with a balance of $2,856.74 at a 14.75% APR. instead of saving the amount in question #11 in a savings account, you put the amount toward reducing your debt. How much interest do you save in 1 full month?
Please help me understand how to do this.
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