11. How does Moishe the Beadle’s experience in the Galician forest change him? Your response should be at least one paragraph long. (2 points)
12. What is the irony of Elie’s and his neighbors' joy in leaving the hot ghetto? Your response should be at least one paragraph long. (2 points)
13. What do the cries of Mrs. Schachter in the cattle car foreshadow? Your response should be at least one paragraph long. (2 points)
14. What is the irony of Elie’s feelings when he hears bombs? Your response should be at least one paragraph long. (2 points)
15. Why does the infirmary patient next to Elie compare Hitler to a prophet? Your response should be at least one paragraph long. (2 points)
16. Why does the author compare the two cauldrons of unattended soup to lambs during the bomb alert? Who are the hundreds of wolves? Your response should be at least one paragraph long. (2 points)
17. Think about the author’s purpose for writing the memoir. Why do you think the memoir is titled Night? Consider the literal and metaphorical importance the night plays in the book. Your response should be at least one paragraph long. (3 points)
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