11. All of the following are ways in which WATER & ENERGY are interdependent EXCEPT....

1 point
water is used to cool thermal power plants
water produces energy in hyrdroelectric dams
water requires energy when pumped and transported
water provides energy to livestock for drinking

12. Agricultural runoff can be best described as...
1 point
the total amount of water used to irrigate crops across the planet
the rainwater harvested for the purpose of crop irrigation
the water that leaves crop fields and often carries pollutants into fresh water sources
the water that never reaches the roots of the crops in a field

13. Why is rainwater harvesting important in sustainable farming practices? (Choose 2)
2 points
It reduces the demand for using groundwater for irrigation
Allows farms to add pesticides before using
Allows water to be stored for future use
Allows water to be sanitized before applying to crops

14. Although about 70% of earth's surface is covered in water, about how much of that water is freshwater?
1 point

15. The human race is using the freshwater from our groundwater aquifers faster than it can be replaced. This overuse can result in the following:
1 point
the water table being lowered
the ground sinking
salt water mixing into our freshwater supply
all of the above are impacts

16. One of the biggest impacts on the water cycle by global warming is....
1 point
the increase in albedo or reflected light
the increased rate of evaporation
the decrease in droughts
the decrease in ocean levels

17. How did water help shape the new American colonies in the 18th century? (choose 3)
2 points
It provided drinking water
It provided lush, fertile soil to grow crops
It provided a way to transport goods
It provided hydroelectric energy

18. Which of the following is a major reason that many people are against damming up rivers for human use?
1 point
Dams create floods
Dams are not aesthetically pleasing to the community
Dams affect the aquatic organisms and surrounding ecosystem
Dams prevent the use of water for hydroelectric power

19. There are many debates over the uses and ownership of Earth's water. Even while water may be abundant, it may be unusable in some parts of the world due to:
1 point
lack of bottles for packaging
privatization of water
lack of adequate water sanitation
lack of funds to dam rivers

20. Which use of water accounts for the highest water withdrawals in the United States?
1 point
thermoelectric power
industrial uses

21. Agriculture can decrease the QUALITY of Earth's ground water in these 3 ways...... (choose 3)
2 points
animal waste
rain water usage

22. Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking” is a controversial use of water that serves what purpose?
1 point
clearing land for construction
sanitizing water for farm animal consumption
damming rivers for irrigation
extracting oil and gas from underground

2 answers

Here are the answers to your questions:

  1. All of the following are ways in which WATER & ENERGY are interdependent EXCEPT....
  • water provides energy to livestock for drinking
  1. Agricultural runoff can be best described as...
  • the water that leaves crop fields and often carries pollutants into fresh water sources
  1. Why is rainwater harvesting important in sustainable farming practices? (Choose 2)
  • It reduces the demand for using groundwater for irrigation
  • Allows water to be stored for future use
  1. Although about 70% of earth's surface is covered in water, about how much of that water is freshwater?
  • 2.5%
  1. The human race is using the freshwater from our groundwater aquifers faster than it can be replaced. This overuse can result in the following:
  • all of the above are impacts
  1. One of the biggest impacts on the water cycle by global warming is....
  • the increased rate of evaporation
  1. How did water help shape the new American colonies in the 18th century? (choose 3)
  • It provided drinking water
  • It provided lush, fertile soil to grow crops
  • It provided a way to transport goods
  1. Which of the following is a major reason that many people are against damming up rivers for human use?
  • Dams affect the aquatic organisms and surrounding ecosystem
  1. There are many debates over the uses and ownership of Earth's water. Even while water may be abundant, it may be unusable in some parts of the world due to:
  • lack of adequate water sanitation
  1. Which use of water accounts for the highest water withdrawals in the United States?
  • thermoelectric power
  1. Agriculture can decrease the QUALITY of Earth's ground water in these 3 ways...... (choose 3)
  • animal waste
  • pesticides
  • sedimentation
  1. Hydraulic fracturing, or “fracking” is a controversial use of water that serves what purpose?
  • extracting oil and gas from underground

Feel free to ask if you have any further questions!

15. What happens when groundwater is pumped faster than it can be replenished?
ground water becomes stable
water table rises
saltwater intrusion and soil salinization occur
more freshwater is created
16. what role does water play in energy production
it is used to generate solar power
it cools power plants and is used in hydroelectric dam
it is used in coal mining
it reduces electricity demand
17. how has the water cycle been most impacted by global warming
increased evaporation
increased condensation
increased freezing of glaciers
increased melting of underground water source
18. why is hydraulic fracturing (fracking) controversial?
it has no environmental impact
it helps to clean groundwater sources
it increases water availability
chemicals added to water during the process can contaminate groundwater