11.5 Consider an experiment with four groups with eighth values in each. For the
following ANOVA summary table, fill in all the missing results.
Source Degree of freedom Sum of Square Mean Square(Variance) F
Among groups c-1=? SSA=? MSA=80 F=?
groups n-c=? SSW=560 MSW=?
Totals n-1=? SSt=?
11.6 You are working with the same experiment as in Problem 11.5
(a). At the 0.05 level of significance, state the decision rule for testing the null
hypothesis that all four groups have equal population means.
(b). What is your statistical decision?
(c). At the 0.05 level of significance, what is the upper tail critical value from
the Students range distribution?
(d). To perform the Tukey-Kramer procedure, what is the critical range?
1 answer