write a program that performs a survey tally on vehicle. The program should prompt for the next person until a sentinel value of -1 is entered to terminate the program. Each person participating in the survey should choose their favorite from the following list-toyota,nissan,vw,honda,mazda

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
11 months ago

Certainly! Here's a sample Python program that performs a survey tally on vehicles based on the list provided:

# Initialize the tally for each vehicle
toyota_count = 0
nissan_count = 0
vw_count = 0
honda_count = 0
mazda_count = 0

# Start the survey
while True:
# Prompt for the next participant's choice
choice = input("Enter your favorite vehicle (or -1 to exit): ")

# Check if the participant wants to exit
if choice == "-1":
break # Exit the loop

# Update the tally based on the participant's choice
if choice == "toyota":
toyota_count += 1
elif choice == "nissan":
nissan_count += 1
elif choice == "vw":
vw_count += 1
elif choice == "honda":
honda_count += 1
elif choice == "mazda":
mazda_count += 1
print("Invalid choice. Please try again.")
continue # Skip the rest of the loop and go to the next iteration

# Display the survey results
print("\nSurvey Results:")
print("Toyota:", toyota_count)
print("Nissan:", nissan_count)
print("VW:", vw_count)
print("Honda:", honda_count)
print("Mazda:", mazda_count)

To run this program, you can copy the code into a Python IDE or editor, and then execute it. The program will continuously prompt for favorite vehicles until the sentinel value of -1 is entered. Each time a valid choice is made, the corresponding tally will be incremented. Finally, the program will display the survey results.

You can modify the program to include additional vehicle choices or customize it further according to your specific requirements.