Q3.2 COLLAPSE TIMESCALE (5 points possible)

Imagine that you live in a distant galaxy far far away. This galaxy is in a different universe, and so may have different cosmology.

It seems that in this distant universe, all galaxies have the same luminosity, which you have worked out is 7.0×1030W.

You are studying a particular galaxy which you have just discovered. You take a spectrum and find that it has a strong hydrogen line at a wavelength of 659.2 nm. In the laboratory, this line occurs at a wavelength of 656.3 nm.

What is the redshift of this galaxy?

- unanswered

You measure the flux from this galaxy and get a value of 3.6×10−18W m−2.

How far away (in Mega-parsecs) is this galaxy?

- unanswered

If you assume that this universe is expanding at a constant rate, how old is this universe? Type your answer in billions of years.

- unanswered

User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
1 year ago

To find the redshift of the galaxy, we can use the formula for redshift:

z = (observed wavelength - laboratory wavelength) / laboratory wavelength

Given that the observed wavelength is 659.2 nm and the laboratory wavelength is 656.3 nm, we can calculate the redshift by plugging these values into the formula:

z = (659.2 nm - 656.3 nm) / 656.3 nm

z ≈ 0.0044

Therefore, the redshift of this galaxy is approximately 0.0044.

To find the distance of the galaxy, we can use Hubble's law, which states that the recessional velocity of a galaxy is proportional to its distance from us. The equation for Hubble's law is:

v = H0 * d

v is the recessional velocity of the galaxy,
H0 is the Hubble constant,
d is the distance to the galaxy.

In this case, the recessional velocity can be calculated using the redshift and the speed of light:

v = z * c

z is the redshift,
c is the speed of light (approximately 3 × 10^8 m/s).

Given that the flux from the galaxy is 3.6 × 10^-18 W m^-2, we can calculate the recessional velocity:

3.6 × 10^-18 W m^-2 = z * c

z = (3.6 × 10^-18 W m^-2) / c

Now we can use the redshift to calculate the distance to the galaxy:

v = z * c = [(3.6 × 10^-18 W m^-2) / c] * c

d = v / H0

The value of the Hubble constant, H0, is approximately 70 km/s/Mpc.

Therefore, the distance to the galaxy in Mega-parsecs (Mpc) can be calculated as:

d = v / H0

Finally, to calculate the age of the universe, we need to use the concept of the "Hubble time." The Hubble time is the inverse of the Hubble constant, given by:

Hubble time = 1 / H0

The age of the universe is then:

Age of the universe = Hubble time / 1 billion years

So, to find the age of this universe, we can calculate:

Age of the universe = 1 / H0 / 1 billion years

Given that the Hubble constant, H0, is approximately 70 km/s/Mpc, we can calculate the age of the universe.