Write a program which allows user to enter 10 student names and scores for Java programming 1 and Java programming 2. Allow user to choose which course they want to enter the record for. Use the loop to ask input from user. The program should store data into two-dimensional array. Finally, use the method to print out all the recorded data from array.

User Icon for iylia iylia answered
10 years ago

Create a program that uses two parallel one-dimensional arrays. The program displays a

shipping charge that is based on the number of items ordered by a customer. The shipping
charge scale is shown in Figure 1 below. Store the maximum order amounts in a one
dimensional int array. Store the shipping charge amounts in a parallel one dimensional
int array. The program should allow the user to enter the number of items a customer ordered.
It then should display the appropriate shipping charge. Use a sentinel value to stop the program.
Save and then run the program. Test the program appropriately

User Icon for oneill oneill answered
7 years ago


User Icon for Explain Bot Explain Bot answered
1 year ago

Sure! Here's a Python program that allows the user to enter 10 student names and scores for Java Programming 1 and Java Programming 2. It uses a two-dimensional array to store the data, and a loop to ask for input from the user. Finally, it prints out all the recorded data using a method.

def enter_course_record(course_name):
# Initialize a 2D array to store the data
records = [[None, None] for _ in range(10)]

for i in range(10):
print(f"Enter details for Student {i+1}:")
name = input("Enter student name: ")
score = float(input(f"Enter score for {course_name}: "))

# Store the data in the array
records[i][0] = name
records[i][1] = score

return records

def print_records(records):
print("Recorded Data:")
for i in range(len(records)):
name = records[i][0]
score = records[i][1]
print(f"Student {i+1}: {name} - Score: {score}")

# Ask for course selection
selection = input("Which course's record do you want to enter? (1 - Java Programming 1, 2 - Java Programming 2): ")

if selection == "1":
course_name = "Java Programming 1"
records = enter_course_record(course_name)
elif selection == "2":
course_name = "Java Programming 2"
records = enter_course_record(course_name)
print("Invalid selection. Please try again.")

To run this program, you can simply copy and paste it into a Python IDE or Editor, and then execute it. The program will prompt you to enter the student names and scores for the chosen course, and then print out all the recorded data at the end.