Here are the responses to your questions:
Question 10: The process by which one group takes on the cultural and other traits of a larger group is called assimilation.
Question 11: The Salad Bowl analogy of U.S. society states that ethnic groups living in the United States retain unique features, but also contribute to American culture as a whole.
Question 12: Which statement is FALSE when comparing the political systems of the United States and Great Britain? Both countries contain three branches of government with equal amounts of power. (This is false as the branches in the U.S. are separate and equal, while in the U.K., the executive is part of the legislative branch.)
Question 13: When comparing the political system of Mexico with the United States, Mexican presidents cannot be reelected after serving six years, regardless of job performance.
Question 14: Match each description with its term:
- Unimpeded exchange and flow of goods and services between trading partners regardless of national borders: Free Trade
- An alliance formed by countries with similar political or economic goals: Economic or Political Alliance (or similar terms like Trade Bloc)
- A government tax on imports: Tariff
(Note: Exact terms for Question 14 may vary based on specific terminology used in your course.)