10. In “Orphans Give Indian Couple Will to Live,” the Paramesvarans are offended by the term orphans because

a. they feel they are now the parents to these children***
b. the government will not let the children be adopted by them
c. Mr. Paramesvaran grew up without a father and knows how difficult it was
d. they think the natural parents of the children will be found alive some day

11. In “Orphans Give Indian Couple Will to Live,” the Paramesvarans felt guilty because
a. they are not allowed to adopt any more children
b. they could not appropriately bury their children***
c. they should not have let their children go swimming
d. they cannot afford school for all of their adopted children***

51 answers

Here are all of the answers to this test

1. A
2. D
3. B
4. C
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. B
10. B
11. D
12. A
13. C
14. B
15. B
16. A
17. A
18. A
19. Answer Yourself

Here you go :)
To any students reading this please know that by going on sites like Jiska and Brainly you are breaking the honor code by looking up the answer. This question comes directly from the Grade 9 Unit 2 Test. If you need help with any part of you're lessons contact the teacher.
Thank You For You're Time.
This Ms. Self from Connections Academy, because you have violated the honor code your parents will be notified for giving out the answers. Punishment will be suspension or expelling.
What? I didn't cheat. How is giving out the answers cheating?????
Mimi, not sure if you actually got expelled but next time you should learn to not use your real name online, no offense

its highly unlike that these two are real teachers because connection's grammar is absolutely terrible and is unrealistic for a real teacher to be using. Teachers always use correct grammar because its segmented into their brain

"A Teacher" is just another toxic student copying off of the first false teacher

connections, although with grammar, is claiming to be a teacher (who you might know) named ms. self, well that could just be one of the students in your class
guys :'D im laughing so hard rn.
Not all hero's wear capes @Mimi

Btw I like that name.
Hi guys!
Well, I didn't get expelled (The connections academy person probably wasn't a teacher), but I was grounded (My mom saw me go on this site.) The reason why I freaked out when the connections person said something was because Ms. Self is my English teacher. So just wanted clear some things up.
P.s Mimi isn't my real name.
Is Mimi answers correct
"terms of cheating"? bruh im wheezing. you aren't fooling anyone kid
Is mimi correct, though :0
What a Problem but is MIMI right?
Mimi is incorrect
I just finished the test like an hour ago, the answers are...
I'm not sure where other people got their answers. Maybe it was just a different test, or maybe they're trying to mess with people who use this site.
smart dude is correct
And 19 isnt multiple choice its open responce
all the answers to unit 2 test in 9th Grade English was wrong..
Here are the correct ones
The Forces of Nature: Unit 2 Test
1. Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics. Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word, if necessary.

The decorations were reminiscent of autumn leaves.
(1 point)
a. leftovers
b. made
c. reminders ***
d. symbolic
2. Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics. Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word, if necessary.

For many millennia, people believed Earth was flat.
(1 point)
a. reasons
b. thousands of years ***
c. generations of people
d. beliefs or propositions
3. Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics. Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word, if necessary.

The oil spill dispersed throughout the river, killing hundreds of fish.
(1 point)
a. combusted
b. leaked
c. spread ***
d. waded
4. Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics. Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word, if necessary.

The hiker crossed over an undistinguished deer trail in the woods.
(1 point)
a. obvious
b. unusual
c. unnoticeable ***
d. overgrown
5. Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics. Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word, if necessary.

Rats were considered the scourge of the Middle Ages.
(1 point)
a. source of all disease
b. cause of trouble or pain ***
c. omen of good fortune
d. sign of a good harvest
READ STORY - - "Imagine a wolf moving through the northern woods. The movement, over a trail he has traversed many times before, is distinctive, unlike that of a cougar or a bear, yet he appears, if you are watching, sometimes catlike or bearlike. It is purposeful, deliberate movement. Occasionally the rhythm is broken by the wolf's pause to inspect a scent mark, or a move off the trail to paw among stones where a year ago he had cached meat."

Use the passage to answer the question.

6. In the passage from Of Wolves and Men, what does the author's use of detail achieve?
(1 point)
a. It emphasizes the variety of the wolf's senses. ***
b. It highlights the dangers of the wilderness.
c. It describes the weaknesses of the wolf.
d. It explains the cycle of the seasons.

READ STORY - - “A few minutes later he bolts suddenly into the woods, achieving full speed, almost forty miles per hour, for forty or fifty yards before he begins to skid, to lunge at a lodgepole pine cone. He trots away with it, his head erect, tail erect, his hips to one side slightly out of line with his shoulders, as though hindquarters were impatient with forequarters, the cone inert in his mouth. He carries it for a hundred feet before dropping it by the trail. He sniffs it. He goes on.”

Use the passage to answer the question.
7. In this passage from Of Wolves and Men, what is revealed about the wolf?
(1 point)
a. his intense playfulness ***
b. his steadfast loyalty
c. his obvious aggressiveness
d. his consistent weakness

8. Bent birches prompt the speaker in "Birches" to imagine
(1 point)
a. ice storms.
b. a boy has been swinging on them. ***
c. people cutting them down.
d. the harshness of nature.

9. In “Birches,” the author uses the line “like girls on hands and knees that throw their hair before them over their heads to dry in the sun” to describe
(1 point)
a. children playing in the woods.
b. a childhood memory of the summertime.
c. the shape of the trees after an ice storm. ***
d. the feeling of cobwebs on the face of a boy.

10. In the haiku by bashō, what is left of the warriors’ dreams?
(1 point)
a. a dark pool
b. a quick frog
c. the splashing water
d. the summer grass ***

11. In An Inconvenient Truth, Earth is called the Goldilocks planet because
(1 point)
a. the sun is at a balanced distance.
b. it has a significant wildlife population.
c. it is neither too hot nor too cold for life. ***
d. of the mineral content, especially coal and gold.

12. In An Inconvenient Truth, an increase in greenhouse gases is dangerous because
(1 point)
a. they trap more heat in Earth's atmosphere. ***
b. they create holes in the atmosphere, releasing too much heat.
c. they reduce humans' ability to absorb oxygen through their lungs.
d. they increase the power of the sun, leading to negative effects such as skin cancer.

13. In An Inconvenient Truth, the most likely reason the author uses the heading A Silent Alarm is to
(1 point)
a. use an image that all readers can visualize.
b. show there is a problem that many do not know about. ***
c. to bore the reader.
d. frighten readers so they will take action.

14. Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics.

The soldiers are issued infrared goggles to help them see in the dark.
(1 point)
a. outside visible spectrum ***
b. creating light by radiating heat
c. emitting light by creating water vapor
d. producing light by adding electrons to a glowing material
15. In “The Deadliest Tsunami in History,” all of the following were effects of the tsunami except
(1 point)
a. lack of food.
b. no clean water.
c. mass animal deaths. ***
d. the coastline was destroyed.

16. In “The Deadliest Tsunami in History,” survivors of the tsunami recognized that a receding ocean
(1 point)
a. was a sign of danger. ***
b. left pollution on shore.
c. left boats and fish stranded on shore.
d. signals a coming earthquake.

17. In “Orphans Give Indian Couple Will to Live,” the Paramesvarans refuse to accept more children into their home because
(1 point)
a. the government will not allow it.
b. they believe the other children’s parents are still alive.
c. they want to make sure they have enough resources to care for the ones there now. ***
d. they are from a neighboring village which has a long-standing dispute with their village.

18. In “Orphans Give Indian Couple Will to Live,” the Paramesvarans named their large home Namikai, which means Hands of Hope, because
(1 point)
a. they had to dig the graves for their children with their bare hands.
b. together with their new large family, they can rebuild their village.
c. their new family gave them hope when they were considering suicide. ***
d. they hope to have many more children move into their home with them.
19. Describe one of the strongest literary images (not a picture or drawing from the reading) you encountered from any of the following literature:
• from Of Wolves and Men by Barry Holstun Lopez
• "Birches" by Robert Frost
• "Haiku" by Kaga no Chiyo
• "Haiku" by Basho
• "Spring is like a perhaps hand" by E.E. Cummings
• from An Inconvenient Truth by Al Gore
• "The Deadliest Tsunami in History?" by National Geographic News
• "Orphans Give Indian Couple Will to Live; 2004 Tsunami Killed Their Son, Two Daughters" by Shaikh Azizur Rahman
• "Wave" by Dale Wisely
Why is this image memorable? How does the author use vivid descriptive details to help the reader visualize what is being described? How does this image contribute to the main idea of the text? Please use specific details from the text to support your answer.
Peanut I don't have the same questions as you. My first question is about what word matches magnitude.
What I got so far are
Just finished test unit 2 lesson 9
The forces of nature: unit test
1. C
2. D
3. D
4. B
5. B
6. A
7. B
8. D
9. C
10. D
11. A
12. D
13. B
14. B
15. A
16. A
17. A
18. C
19. Essay
False ruby 11 10 9 7
Lol imagine trying to act like a teacher but use the wrong "you're" LUL @Connections Academy
so whos right
yall, everyones test is different so be careful
so like what do i write down for the essay portion?
OMMGGGGGG I was cryin of laughter at the responses near the top of the page. I'm stuck on number 19 and I am pulling out my hair trying to answer it T~T
LMMAOOO THis websites on drugs XDDD
Lesson 9: The Forces of Nature: Unit Test
English 9 A Unit 2:The Forces of Nature

1. C
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. A
6. C
7. C
8. D
9. A
10. D
11. A
12. A
13. B
14. D
15. C
16. B
17. C
18. A
19. Your on your own :P

I hope this helped
guys the teacher keep changing the questions, like my questions where different one day and know its different
Also before anyone uses my answers read what unit and lesson its for.
It's C
Another reason not to look up answers is because sometimes, more often than not, the answers change. These are also other students, and so they might get the answers wrong anyways. It's not to be rude of course, just some advice.
so we all go to connections academy?
yeah lol i was bouta say everyone prolly has different answers
Welp before the next wave comes of people who get stuck on tests I just want everyone to know that everyone is wrong and its best to look up the answers question by question instead of taking a list of answers. More time consuming sure, however its far more likely to be right then uh..... um...... idk who has wrong answer since im not trying them.
lmao it's almost impossible to cheat on this when you're simply using the letter lists people have thrown in here-- For this unit test, everyone has slightly different questions. Sure, some questions might be the same or at least somewhat similar, but everyone definitely has at least a few questions that are completely different. So, sure, the answers people put here might be right, but that's specific to THEMSELVES. It's made to have people have different questions so that people can't cheat as much. Also, some people do put entirely random letters just to be a butt and get people to fail, so you gotta be careful of that.
And no, i'm not saying i'm here "jUsT tO sTuDy"
my name
Connections switches up the question and answers to the test so that they can catch you cheating i dont reccomend using all the answers i search them one by on so i can see the answer for that test.
help me
with essay portion
Peanut had all the right answers for my test. Thanks!
Every test is randomized if you give answers then give both questions and write out the answer
Forces of nature unit test answers are
2.thousands of years
5.cause of trouble or pain
6.complex creatures
7.his ears are rammed forward stiff
8.a boy has been swinging on them
9.”shattering and avalaching on the snow crust-such heap of broken glass to sweep away…”
10.gives and takes life
12.it creates a vast amount of energy without releasing poisonous gasses
13.show there is a problem that many do not know about
14.producing light by adding electrons to a glowing material
15.mass animal deaths
16.the large waves are very small when out at sea
17.they want to make sure they have enough recourses to care for the ones there now
18.it was his birthday
19. I got the answer on brainly
I got 16 out of 18 but I gave you guys all the correct answers this is just my test idk if it’s different for you but if it’s the same then you WILL get 100% your welcome boys Instagram: colton_lynn_1
to all the teachers on here I’m pretty sure y’all don’t get paid enough to come in these websites and tell us to “stop cheating”. 😭😭😭
can someone please help me
with essay portion and I promise I will stop cheating
Lmfao this whole thread is cursed