1. Zippers ate rounr everywhere today, they can be seen on pants, shoes, handbags, suitcases and many other items. The history of the zipper is a long one, In fact, in the modern- day zipper was developed aver a period of 80 years, by several different people

2. In 1851,Elias Howe, inventor of the sewing machine, received a patient for an "Automatic, Continuous Clothing Closure." However, Mr. Howe never marketed his idea, in fact, it was bit until more than 40 years later that the idea for a zipper was thought up again. Whitcomb Judson was a mechanical engineer from Chicago. He marketed a device similar to Howe's. Judson loved gadgets and machines. He came up with a zipper that had a hook-and-eye design. This is a fastener that has a metal hook which secures over a bar or into the loop. Judson teamed up with a Businessman named Lewis Walker. They founded the Universal Fastener Company. The men called their zipper the "Clasp-Locker" and exhibited at at the Chicago worlds fair. At the fair they sold only 20 zippers to the U.S postal office. The postal service wanted to use the devices to close their mailbags.

3. In 1913, an engineer named Gideon Sundbach found a way to improve the zipper. He was an employee of the universal fastener company. Sundbach created a different type of zipper that had metal teeth. He increased
the number of fastening elements from 4 per inch to 10 or 11 per inch. The zipper now had two facing rows of teeth that pulled into a single piece by a slider. Sundbach received the exclusive rights, or patent, for the "Separable Fastener" in 1917. He also created a machine that made new fasteners. The first year, the machine produced a few hundred feet of fasteners per day.

4. One of the first people to make use of the "Separable Fastener" was a man by the name of B.F. Goodrich. He ordered 150,000 of the fasteners for the rubber boots he sold. Mr. Goodrich enjoyed the zipping sound the fastener emitted when it opened and close. He decided to call it a "Zipper." Goodrich's use of the zipper set is popularly in motion. However, the fashion industry was slow to catch on to its benefits. It was not until the 1930s that advertisement for children's clothing promoted the new zippers, saying how easy it was to use them

5. Today the zipper is everywhere. Thousands of zippers are produced daily in order to meet the needs of people. The zipper took some time to catch on, but it looks like it is here to stay.

1. Which of these words best describes Gideon Sundbach?

2. How were Elias Howe and Sundbach alike?
They both were engineers who worked in a factory
They both had patents on zippers they designed***

3. There is enough information in the passage to show which of the following?
The zipper has developed and improved over time***
The zipper replaced the use of buttons
Mr Sundbach and Goodrich were friends Mr Judson's invention made him popular

9 answers

1. *Zippers are found everywhere
1-3 are right. 4??
4. coming right up 1 sec
Which of the following best describes how this passage is organized?
Problem and solution
Physical description
Cause and Effect
time order**
Yes, 4 is also correct.
5. Kristen is researching additional information to find out how a zipper actually works. Which of these would be the most reliable source for this research?
A biography about the inventor of the first zipper
an advertisement for clothes with zippers
a poem about how to use zippers
an online encyclopedia entry about zippers***

6. Which of the following is most likely reason Gideon Sundbach was motivated to improve the zipper
He was an engineer who enjoyed solving problems***
he wanted to patient for the "Separable Fastener"
he was motivated to improve the use of buttons
He was an employee of the Universal Fastener Company
Yes, 5 and 6 are right.