1: Your checking account is overdrawn by $50. You write a check for $20. What is the balance in your account?

(i got -5- + (-20) = -70)

2: The average temperature in Calgary, Canada, is 22 degrees celsius in July and -11 degrees celsius in January. Find the range of the highest and lowest temperatures in Calgary.
(idk the answer)

pls help

3 answers

#1 ok
#2 no way to know.
Knowing the average tells you nothing about the temperature range.
All you know is that the average ranges from -11 to 22. Heck, there's no indication that these are even the extreme values! What about August? It may be hotter than July.

Very poorly stated question.
1. Bal. = -50 - 20 = -$70 = 70-dollar over draw.

2. 22 - (-11) = 33o C. = Range of average temperature.
i hate this