1.you should serve meals and snacks for young children?
(a|)at the same time daily (my answer)
(b)only when the children are hungry
(c)in a complety quiet atmosphere
(d)at a different time everyday
2.children often use parallel play as a way to ?
(a)develop their social skills
(b)enter a new play group (my answer)
(C)learn cooperation with others
(d)learn organized games
3.which of the following statements about the development of a child's language skills is correct?
(a)you should teach language skills during circle or sharing time
(b)asking leading questions can hinder language development
(c)reading aloud to children encourages language development (my answer)
(d)children should wait until an activity is complete before talking about it
4.when resolving conflicts between students in an after school program the teacher aide should ?
(a)give attention to the aggressor first
(b)let children discuss their differences with each other (my answer)
(c)never use a time out corner
(d)separate and isolate the children
please check my answers thanks
3 answers