To me, sentence 1 means about the same thing as 2 and 3. I guess it can mean the same as 4, but 4 is very awkward and not used.
Literally, "can" means definition #1. The other definitions have evolved over time.
* 1. You can feel safe now.
2. You are able to feel safe now.
3. You are allowed to feel safe now.
(I allow you to feel safe now. You may feel safe now.)
4. You have the possibility of feeling safe now.
What is the meaning of 'can' in Sentence 1? Does #1 mean #2, #3, or #4? Or something else?
The following is the definition of 'can' in a dictionary. What does 'can' in Sentence 1 belong to?
1. to be able to; have the ability, power, or skill to:
2. to know how to:
3. to have the power or means to:
4. to have the right or qualifications to:
5. may; have permission to:
6. to have the possibility:
1 answer