1) Writeacher, I need the help of a science teacher to find a theme high-school students (aged 16 and 17) can investigate with their German and French partners. Our students study biology (also bilotechnologies) , chemistry, and earth science.

2) Can you check these two sentences grammatically?
Our school board has agreed on a Comenius partnership with your school though we still don’t know which students to include in the project.
3) What about including 16-year-old students specializing in sciences? We could, for example, choose a common theme related to biology or biotechnologies.

2 answers

Your two sentences are fine. I'd use "although" instead of "though," but both are correct.

I'll ask a science teacher about your first question.
I suggest you look at biotechnology at making drugs (ie, gene spliced bacteria to produce medicines).Some call this genetic engineering.