1. Write the following reversible as a biconditional:
If two perpendicular lines intersect, they form four 90* angles.
A) Two intersecting lines are perpendicular if and only if they form four 90* angles.
B) Two intersecting, perpendicular lines do not form four angles.
C) Four 90* angles are formed by intersecting lines.
D) Perpendicular lines do not intersect.
Is the answer C? I really am confused how to do this since these kind of statements aren't easy for me to understand. Thank you!
7 answers
Looks more like A to me.
No the answer is not C, the answer would be A.
Biconditional statements use the words "if and only if".
It is indeed A
Yep it's A. And uhh the answers are 1C - if it is not raining I will not carry an umbrella 2A - two intersecting lines are perpendicular if and only if they form four 90 degree angles 3A - <DAB and <EAD are supplementary 4C - <FBY and <GBX
Zolita is 100% correct
According to the Forms of Conditional Statement, Bicoditional Statement form is (p if and only if q) so A is the answer. Welcome!