1. Activities that people do to pollute our water bodies in the community include:
- Improper disposal of waste: This includes throwing waste such as plastics, chemicals, and hazardous materials directly into water bodies or into drains that lead to the water bodies.
- Excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides: The use of excessive fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture can lead to runoff, where these chemicals are washed into water bodies, causing pollution.
- Industrial waste discharge: Industries often release untreated or poorly treated waste, chemicals, and pollutants directly into nearby water bodies.
- Oil and fuel spills: Accidental spills from ships, oil tankers, and industrial facilities can release large amounts of oil and fuel into water bodies, causing severe pollution.
- Sewage discharge: Inadequate or improper sewage treatment facilities can result in the release of untreated sewage and human waste into water bodies.
- Improper disposal of pharmaceuticals and personal care products: The improper disposal of medications, contraceptives, and personal care products can lead to the release of harmful chemicals and pollutants into water bodies.
- Littering: Throwing garbage, plastic bottles, cans, and other forms of litter near or into water bodies can result in direct pollution as these items can break down and release harmful substances.
2. Two of these activities:
- Improper disposal of waste: Many people in the community might dump their waste directly into nearby water bodies, wrongly assuming that it will be carried away by the water current. This can lead to the accumulation of debris, hazardous materials, and toxic substances, harming aquatic life and damaging the overall ecosystem of the water body.
- Excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides: In agricultural areas, farmers often use excessive amounts of fertilizers and pesticides to boost crop growth and eradicate pests. However, during rainfall or irrigation, these chemicals are washed away into nearby rivers, lakes, or ponds, leading to eutrophication and contamination of the water bodies. The excessive nutrients from the fertilizers can cause algae blooms, depleting oxygen levels in the water and negatively impacting aquatic life.
3. Some human activities that affect water bodies in my community include:
- Industrial discharge: In my community, there are several factories and manufacturing units located near water bodies. Unfortunately, some of these industries release untreated or poorly treated waste directly into the water bodies, leading to contamination.
- Improper waste management: In our community, there is a lack of awareness regarding proper waste disposal methods. As a result, many people throw their waste, including plastics and chemicals, into drains or open areas, which eventually find their way into nearby water bodies, polluting them.
- Untreated sewage: The sewage treatment infrastructure in my community is not adequate. As a result, untreated sewage is often released into rivers or lakes, diminishing water quality and posing health risks to both humans and aquatic life.
- Recreational activities: There are popular recreational activities in our community like boating and fishing. However, some of the participants may accidentally spill oil, fuel, or leave behind litter during these activities, which can negatively impact nearby water bodies.
- Construction activities: Construction sites in our community discharge sediment runoff and construction waste into water bodies, leading to sedimentation and pollution.
1.Write activities that people do to pollute our water bodies in the community
2.Describe two of these activities
3.what are some human activities people do that affect water bodies in your community
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