1. Work as a team to complete this task.

2. Your team has been tasked to do research into the viability of starting a Health and Wellness Programme for staff of your organisation.

3. You should research the following points.

3.1. Why health and wellness is important for employees

3.2. What kinds of health and wellness initiatives to include (When? And Why?)

3.3. How to get staff members to 'buy-in' to the concept?

3.4. How much it will cost?

4. Use a mind-map to represent your research methodology and findings

5. Then draft a framework for the report

6. Then prepare a reference list of all the items you would include in as facts in the report.

7. Present your team's work samples to the rest of the class

8. Take key-notes of presentations delivered in preparation of drafting such a report as part of your summative assessment.

1 answer

Research Methodology and Findings:

- Why health and wellness is important for employees:
- Improved employee morale and job satisfaction
- Increased productivity and focus at work
- Reduced absenteeism and turnover rates
- Enhanced overall well-being and quality of life

- Kinds of health and wellness initiatives to include:
- Regular exercise programs
- Nutritional workshops and healthy eating options
- Mental health support services
- Stress management workshops
- On-site health screenings
- Flexible work hours for better work-life balance

- How to get staff members to 'buy-in' to the concept:
- Communicate the benefits of the program effectively
- Encourage participation through incentives and rewards
- Listen to employees' feedback and concerns
- Provide ongoing support and resources

- Cost considerations:
- Initial investment in program development and implementation
- Ongoing costs for resources, staff, and external services
- Potential return on investment in terms of improved employee well-being and productivity

Framework for the report:

1. Introduction
2. Importance of health and wellness for employees
3. Types of health and wellness initiatives to consider
4. Strategies to obtain staff 'buy-in'
5. Cost analysis of implementing a health and wellness program
6. Conclusion
7. Recommendations for next steps

Reference List:

1. World Health Organization. (2010). Global Strategy on Diet, Physical Activity and Health. Retrieved from who.int/dietphysicalactivity/en/
2. American Psychological Association. (2019). Stress in Americaâ„¢ Survey. Retrieved from apa.org/news/press/releases/stress
3. Harvard Business Review. (2016). What Makes Employees Love Their Job. Retrieved from hbr.org/2016/08/what-makes-employees-love-their-job.