1. Work as a team to complete this activity.

2. Brainstorm and make a list of potential conflict scenarios that could occur in your workplace amongst team members.

3. Now select one of the scenarios and role-play it. It should not last longer than 1 minute.

4 Present the role-play scenario once all the way through to the rest of the class.

5. Then start again and go through the scenario a little more slowly. Allow different class members to 'pause' the scenario and make suggestions on what could be done differently/ could have been done differently to manage this conflict.

6. Record key-notes on the team's role-play scenario, and the key strategies recommended for managing the conflict.

1 answer

7. Discuss as a group what strategies were most effective in managing the conflict and come up with a plan on how to handle similar situations in the future.

8. Reflect on the role-play and discuss what you learned about conflict resolution and effective teamwork.

9. Practice active listening and communication skills throughout the activity to enhance collaboration and understanding within the team.

10. End the activity by sharing positive feedback and appreciation for each team member's contributions.