1. Wooden temples were considered an art form from

a. Japan
b. China
c. Buddhists
d. Indians

12. Which of the following colors represents the spiritual realm in many African societies?
a. White
b. Red
c. Black
d. Brown
Not sure...

13. Shiva Nataraja stands on a small figure to represent
a. destruction
b. creation
c. faithfulness
d. escape
I read the whole wikipedia article on this but still can't find the answer...

15. Red clay animal sculptures guarding burial grounds are found in
a. China
b. Japan
c. India
d. Adena

16. Which of the following was known for leading the education of women and initiating them into adulthood?
a. Mali
b. Ethiopia
c. Mende
d. Akan

21. The Mayan Indians are known for their contrasting colors painted on limestone buildings. - T

25. The art of India is known for its finely-detailed crosses- F


4 answers

1. Not A

12. http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&biw=1366&bih=643&q=color+spiritual+realm+in+many+African+societies&btnG=Search&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=

13. http://www.hindu-blog.com/2008/11/about-lord-shiva-as-nataraja-symbolism.html
Read the section starting The Dwarf...

15. Many cultures, apparently ...

16. ??

21. http://www.google.com/search?rlz=1C1GGGE_enUS379US379&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=mayans+colors+on+limestone+buildings

22. correct
Keystone questions? Hit me up. justintime5492 at yaahoo
of the following, which was known as the golden age for japanese art?
A. Sung Dynasty
B. Ming Dynasty
C. Kujaku Myo-o
D. Heian
The Heian Dynasty was the golden age for Japanese Art. LOL Working on Keystone right now too!