1. With regard to British influences on India, which of the following statements is true?
A. The common name for the British Indian Empire was the "British Raj."
B. The British East India Company ruled India after a sepoy rebellion in 1867.
C. The British Indian Army was not expected to serve British interests beyond India.
D. A primary objective of British rule was attaining food self-sufficiency for Indians.
2. In reference to civil conflict in Sri Lanka, the expression "Tamil Eelam" translates as Tamil
A. Independence.
B. Homeland.
C. Tigers.
D. People.
3. In the 1960s and 1970s under President Gamel Abdul Nasser, Egypt was a/an _______ state that
developed more rapidly than the rest of North Africa.
A. democratic
B. capitalist
C. autocratic
D. socialist
4. The last great empire centered in Southwest Asia was the _______ Empire.
A. Byzantine
B. Mongol
C. Roman
D. Ottoman
5. About what percentage of the Indian population lives in the lower and middle Ganges river basin?
A. 70%
B. 50%
C. 60%
D. 40%
6. Which of the following global religions arose in India?
A. Sikhism
B. Jainism
C. Buddhism
D. Hinduism
7. Which of the following statements is true with regard to Pakistan?
A. General Pervez Musharraf seized power in 1999 to establish a democratic government.
B. Between 1980 and the early 2000s, literacy rates increased only slightly.
C. U.S. sanctions imposed on Pakistan after its nuclear tests were dropped in late 2001.
D. Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was elected president in 2008.
8. In which of the following countries are Shia Muslims the majority?
A. Turkey
B. Saudi Arabia
C. Yemen
D. Iran
9. Among regional languages, _______ combines Hindi with Arabic script and is the official language of
A. Punjabi; Afghanistan
B. Urdu; Pakistan
C. Sinhalese; Sri Lanka
D. Bengali; Bangladesh
10. Which of the following was the main purpose behind the formation of the Arab League in 1945?
A. To unite all Arab countries under a single Pan-Arab state
B. To create a Pan-Arab economic bloc to counter Western hegemony
C. To unite Arab opposition to the founding of Israel
D. To establish a homeland for the Palestinians
11. In 1997, the year the Kyoto Protocol was endorsed by more than 120 countries, the top carbon dioxide
emitters included Persian Gulf states such as Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. Among the top 10
emitters, which country ranked seventh?
A. Bahrain
B. Saudi Arabia
C. Kuwait
D. United States
12. Among the most populous of South Asian cities, Karachi is located in _______ and Dhaka is located in
A. Pakistan; Bangladesh
B. India; Pakistan
C. Bangladesh; India
D. Bangladesh; Pakistan
13. The center of the largest film industry in the world, "Bollywood," and Dharavi, the largest slum in
India, are both located in
A. Kolkata.
B. Mumbai.
C. Delhi.
D. Chennai.
14. In modern India, the "Garden City" of _________ is known as India's "Silicon Valley."
A. Kolkata
B. New Delhi
C. Bengaluru
D. Mumbai
15. After the Iranian Revolution of 1979 brought the Ayatollah Khomeini to power, fundamentalist Islamic
sharia law was infused into Iranian government policies. In reaction to this development, most
A. Sunni Muslims rejected sharia law, because most Iranians are Shia.
B. Muslim countries also adopted sharia law.
C. Muslim countries turned to terrorism to further Muslim interests.
D. Muslim countries rejected and suppressed Islamic fundamentalists.
16. Which of the following statements about Nepal is true?
A. It became a democracy in the 1980s.
B. It's a Muslim country that has fostered good relations with the British.
C. Up until 2006, Maoist guerillas caused major disruptions in urban areas.
D. The country's official policy emphasizes "gross national happiness."
17. The 1959 Nile Water Agreement between Egypt and _______ led to the construction of the Aswan
High Dam.
A. Syria
B. Sudan
C. Saudi Arabia
D. Libya
18. In a/an _______ economy, the production of a wide range of manufactured products becomes more
economically important than primary production and a service sector begins to develop.
A. international
B. developing
C. production
D. diversified
19. OPEC was formed in 1960 in order to
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A. create a cartel that would control global oil supplies.
B. coordinate the interests of producing countries by regulating oil prices.
C. enhance oil and natural gas production technologies among member states.
D. negotiate the interests of OPEC member countries within the United Nations.
20. What was Mustafa Ataturk's contribution to modern Turkey?
A. He was instrumental in policy changes that gave Turkey membership in NATO.
B. He established a democratic, parliamentary government.
C. He breathed new vitality into Turkish culture through religious reforms.
D. He began the process of turning Turkey into a modernized, secular state.
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