Here are the answers based on your questions:
Why does multisensory learning help you recall information?
- It creates multiple points of access and associations or links in your brain.
What is sensory integration?
- A process of organizing and using information provided from sensations coming from the body senses.
When combined with other senses, which sense significantly improves recall and learning?
- smell
What is a multisensory learning environment?
- One that stimulates many senses.
Multisensory learners demonstrate improvement in what area(s)?
- Recall and problem solving.
Multisensory learning increases the ability to identify creative solutions by what percent?
- fifty percent.
What is a uni-sensory learning environment?
- Learning experience that stimulates only one sense.
What are learning preferences?
- Your learning preferences are study skills, strategies, and the approach to learning that are most effective for you. Knowing your preferences is the basis for making effective study choices.
Which of the following causes muscles to react most quickly?
- multisensory input.
How does multisensory learning improve motor function?
- Muscles react more quickly.