1. Why did Mohandas Gandhi organize nonviolent protests in South Asia?(1 point) Responses he disagreed with India's policy of nonalignment. he disagreed with India's policy of nonalignment. he felt that the Indian government was not capable of ruling its people. he felt that the Indian government was not capable of ruling its people. he was discouraged by the decline of the Mughal Empire. he was discouraged by the decline of the Mughal Empire. he wanted India to become independent from colonial rule. 2. The Indian Ocean is represented by which number on the map? (1 point) Responses 1 2 3 4. 3. The country of India is represented by which number on the map? (1 point) Responses 1 2 3 4. 4. Which of these factors is NOT an environmental issue in South Asia?(1 point) Responses devastating tornadoes devastating tornadoes flooding caused by heavy monsoons flooding caused by heavy monsoons pollution generated by exhaust from motor vehicles and industry pollution generated by exhaust from motor vehicles and industry scarcity of clean drinking water. 5. it is estimated that 80% of all __________ is untreated and flows directly into India's rivers and is a major source of water pollution. Which answer BEST goes into the blank in the prompt?(1 point) Responses desertification desertification raw sewage raw sewage pesticides pesticides mining surplus mining surplus Question 2 This photograph is from this river in Mumbai, India. What would be the MOST likely impact from this type of pollution? (1 point) Responses global warming global warming decreased crop production decreased crop production outbreak of disease outbreak of disease decreased precipitation. 6. Coal-burning factories and increased automobile usage has caused the most significant increase in which of these?(1 point) Responses respiratory illnesses respiratory illnesses nuclear waste nuclear waste soil depletion soil depletion water pollution. 7. Major cities in South Asia tended to develop in the areas that have ______.(1 point) Responses vast deserts vast deserts extreme climate variation extreme climate variation higher elevations higher elevations fertile farmland fertile farmland Question 2 This map shows the population density of India. The redder the area, the higher the concentration of the population. Which is the MOST likely reason for the high population density in the northeastern part of India? (1 point) Responses there is no pollution there there is no pollution there the Ganges River is in the region the Ganges River is in the region most people want to live close to the Himalaya Mountains most people want to live close to the Himalaya Mountains the area is home to conflicts between Hindus and Muslims. 8. What is the majority religion of India?(1 point) Responses Buddhism Buddhism Tamil Tamil Hinduism Hinduism Bengali Bengali Question 2 Read the following except from the Bhagavad-Gita: "For the soul there is neither birth nor death at any time. He has not come into being, does not come into being, and will not come into being. He is unborn, eternal, ever-existing, and primeval. He is not slain (killed) when the body is slain." What central part of Hinduism does this quote illustrate? (1 point) Responses ahimsa ahimsa reincarnation reincarnation dharma dharma karma karma Question 3 Sidhartha Gautama was able to discover the Middle Way and enlightenment by:(1 point) Responses living as a Hindu prince living as a Hindu prince living among religious ascetics living among religious ascetics meditating under the Bodhi Tree meditating under the Bodhi Tree enduring a life of suffering. 9. Which South Asian country has the strongest democracy?(1 point) Responses India India Pakistan Pakistan Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Afghanistan Afghanistan Question 2 According to the chart, India’s voter turnout _______ (1 point) Responses reached its peak in 1990. reached its peak in 1990. is the highest in all of Asia. is the highest in all of Asia. has decreased over the past 20 years. has decreased over the past 20 years. has increased over the past 20 years. 10. India has more of a market economy than a command economy which has affected its growth in what way?(1 point) Responses India's economy has grown more slowly than other South Asian countries. India's economy has grown more slowly than other South Asian countries. India's economy has grown at the same rate as other economies. India's economy has grown at the same rate as other economies. India's economy has grown a lot faster than other South Asian countries. India's economy has grown a lot faster than other South Asian countries. India's economy has collapsed due these market elements. 11. Trade barriers such as tariffs, quotas and protective regulations can stand in the way of trade. In India, _______ and regulations have sometimes limited trade between different states within the country. (1 point) Responses Tariffs Tariffs Quotas Quotas Embargo Embargo Outsourcing Outsourcing Question 2 Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka specialize in producing and selling lower cost cloth and clothing than other countries. Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka will use the money they earn from selling these items on the global market to:(1 point) Responses Buy cloth and clothing from India. Buy cloth and clothing from India. Buy different goods and services they need from other countries Buy different goods and services they need from other countries Stop trading with other countries Stop trading with other countries Limit the cloth and clothing they sell to other countries. 12. Based on the relationship between literacy rates and per capita GDP, which South Asian nation has the HIGHEST literacy rate among its citizens? (1 point) Responses China China Afghanistan Afghanistan Japan Japan India India Question 2 Indians in government and industry have invested in the country’s productive capital such as machinery, factories, offices and computers. As a result, India’s GDP has ________.(1 point) Responses Increased Increased Decreased Decreased Stayed the same Stayed the same Both Increased and Decreased.

1 answer

1. he wanted India to become independent from colonial rule.
2. 2
3. 3
4. devastating tornadoes
5. raw sewage
6. water pollution
7. fertile farmland
8. Hinduism
9. Sri Lanka
10. India's economy has grown a lot faster than other South Asian countries.
11. regulations
12. India
13. Increased