1. Why did direct democracy work in ancient Athens(1 point) Responses The assembly was not elected The assembly was not elected Free people could vote and hold office Free people could vote and hold office People were paid to participate in government People were paid to participate in government The population was small The population was small Question 2 2. Which group of ancient women had greater freedom?(1 point) Responses Athenian women Athenian women Spartan women Spartan women Slave Women Slave Women Metic women Metic women Question 3 3. Which ruler was most responsible for uniting Greece and building an empire?(1 point) Responses Pericles Pericles King Philip King Philip Xerxes Xerxes Alexander the Great Alexander the Great Question 4 4. The Parthenon is considered the finest example of ancient Greek Architecture because of its(1 point) Responses Balance and Harmony Balance and Harmony Location Location Size Size Dedication to Athena Dedication to Athena Question 5 5. Why were products, ideas, and technologies exchanged in Alexandria?(1 point) Responses It was the center of trade for Europe, Africa, and Asia It was the center of trade for Europe, Africa, and Asia It was said to be the place were the Greek gods lived It was said to be the place were the Greek gods lived Learning and scolarship was prohibited there Learning and scolarship was prohibited there It was a very poor region in the empire. It was a very poor region in the empire. Question 6 6. Which is evidence that Sparta had elements of democracy(1 point) Responses Ephors could take kings out of power Ephors could take kings out of power The oligarchs had absolute power The oligarchs had absolute power The kings had absolute power The kings had absolute power Some leaders were tyrannical Some leaders were tyrannical Question 7 7. Which is the most important lesson that can be learned from the Persian wars?(1 point) Responses That a unified Greece could beat a larger army That a unified Greece could beat a larger army That thens alone could have beaten Persia That thens alone could have beaten Persia That the Greek city-states should stay independent all times That the Greek city-states should stay independent all times That Persia was too powerful to ever defeat That Persia was too powerful to ever defeat Question 8 8. Which of the following was the primary reason the Olympic Games were held?(1 point) Responses The Olympic Games were held to honor the God Zeus The Olympic Games were held to honor the God Zeus The Olympic Games created conflict between the city-states The Olympic Games created conflict between the city-states The Olympic Games brought together the different city-states The Olympic Games brought together the different city-states The Olympic Games gave athletes privileges and fame
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