1 which statement best describes why constitutions are needed?
A Constitutions are needed so that governments don't get carried away with taxes
B Constitutions are needed because all of the laws have to be written down somewhere.
C Constitutions are needed because without a constitution, the government is not legitimate
D Constitutions are needed so people can know their basic rights and how the government will operate*********
2 Voting in national elections is not only a right, but an example of a
A law******
B tort
C legislation
D responsibility
3 which is the most important duty of members of the Georgia general assembly
A serving on committee
B voting on proposed laws******
C listening to interest groups
D campaigning for re-election
4 Must be at least 25 years of age, must be a citizen of the United Sates, must have lived in Georgia for at least 2 years. The above statements are describing the qualifications to be a
A senator******
B governor
C representative
D supreme court justice
5 What is the main responsibility of the minority leader in the House of Representatives?
A engaging in compromise with the majority party
B making sure the minority party ideas get a hearing*************
C assigning members of the minority party to committees
C leading the fund raising efforts of minority party members
6 The main benefit of the committee system in the Georgia General Assembly is that
A committees force members of the majority and minority parties to reach compromises
B committees allow members of paid interest groups to influence the design and wording of bills
C committees ensure that when bills are presented to the entire house, passage is guaranteed
D Committees save time by reviewing and editing bills before they are presented to the entire house*********
7 which is not a formal responsibility of Georgias governor
A The governor acts as director of the states budget
B The governor determines the constitutionality of laws*******
C The governor appoints people to lead executive offices
D The governor signs legislation passed by the General Assembly
10 answers
2. A - no
3. B - yes
4. A - no
5. B - yes
6. D - yes
7. B - yes
I will try again
1 Voting in national elections is not only a right, but an example of a
A law
B tort
C legislation
D responsibility******
4 Must be at least 25 years of age, must be a citizen of the United Sates, must have lived in Georgia for at least 2 years. The above statements are describing the qualifications to be a
A senator
B governor
C representative *****
D supreme court justice
1. D
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. D
10. D
11. A
12. B
13. C
14. C
15. D
16. B
17. C
18. D
20. B
21. B
22. B
23. A
24. B
25. C
26. A
27. C
28. A
29 - 32 Short Answers