1. Which profession taught us to place a frame within a frame?

A. Writers
B. Photographers
C. Painters
D. Architects
2. What is the first secret to excellent composition?
A. don’t waste space
B. use diagonal angles
C. always include backlighting
D. never shoot in color
3. Becca has a distinctive style that she has come to be known for in all of her photographs. She consistently places a square frame, almost like a picture frame, within each of her photographs. What does this do for the viewer’s focus?
A. focuses the viewer’s attention on the subject while also hinting at a wider context
B. focuses the viewer’s attention on the horizon while creating a bit of confusion
C. focuses the viewer’s attention on all of the small, unnecessary details
D. focuses the viewer’s attention on the living subjects within the frame and nothing else
4. Kayla is just starting out as a photographer and has very little experience with composition. Because of this, rather than concentrating overly hard on specific details, what is the best way for Kayla to approach composition?
A. focus on making sure all items are backlit
B. focus on the general structure of the scene she is shooting
C. focus specifically on the movement of the scene
D. focus on arranging all subjects symmetrically focus on arranging all subjects symmetrically
5. What type of effect is demonstrated in this image?
A. Perspective
B. radial composition
C. symmetry
D. monopod
6. In picture composition, what effect offers a depth of perspective, leads the viewer to notice subject contrasts, and plays up distance, making the spatial relationship more obvious?
A. Overlapping
B. Monopods
C. Contrasting
D. radial composition
7. Jonah wants to avoid wasting space in the photographs of his brother’s birthday party décor that he is taking. What would be an effective technique for Jonah to use to ensure that he doesn’t waste space?
A. only take very intense, close-up images using macro-zoom
B. zoom in to include more of the subject and less of the not-as-necessary background
C. using a wide-angle lens to capture panoramic images
D. refrain from photos and using video instead
8. Arranging different visual materials around a central point with the intention of creating a rough circular form is a concept common in photography, though photography is not the only discipline this concept can be found in. What other industries or disciplines can this be found in?
A. history and fashion
B. math and design
C. culinary arts and botany
D. religious studies and interior design
9. Phoebe is making use of radial composition in her recent photography project with elements running both side to side and up and down. What kind of feeling is created by using this effect?
A. confusing, frantic feeling
B. monotonous, dull feeling
C. stagnant, slow feeling
D. excited, full feeling
10. Jacinda’s photography instructor offered her some honest feedback about her recent series of photos. She commented that the images have a bit too much uniformity and evenness, although the stability and strength that they offer are impressive. What special composition effect is Jacinda’s instructor commenting on?
A. overlapping effect
B. symmetry
C. radial design
D. diagonal angles
11. A huge part of becoming an accomplished photographer is the ability to----------- what is around you.
A. Observe
B. Ignore
C. Evaluate
D. Compartmentalize
12. Marjorie is familiarizing herself with composition and trying to focus on the general structure of the scene. With her camera in hand, she backs away from the scene she is shooting to look at the big picture through the viewfinder and/or LCD screen. What should she do next?
A. start taking pictures from very different angles, like high above and far down below
B. close one eye and observe the scene, then close the other eye and observe the scene, deciding which looks better
C. examine how the scene looks when you are jumping up and down while also looking through the viewfinder
D. slowly walk closer to the scene and see how certain elements leave the frame, while others grow larger
13. Jake is taking photos of his neighbor’s home to help them list and sell the house. It is important to have a wide variety of photos to choose from, so he is taking multiple shots of each room—some from the doorways, some from floor-level, some from up above, and some from a corner of the room. What is Jake playing around with as he photographs each room?
A. Motivation
B. Décor
C. Lighting
D. Angles
14. Janice is at a park standing in front of two big boulders with diagonal lines leading down to the mulch at her feet. When viewers are looking at this image, what will their eyes likely follow?
A. the uneven landscape to the tip of her chin
B. the clouds in the sky to the tips of the trees
C. he trees in the background to the horizon
D. the silhouette of the rocks to the center point of her face
15. Shayla is relatively short, standing at only five feet tall. For a series of photos that she is working on called “Neighborhoods and Communities,” she has decided to take all of her photos while standing on top of a ladder. What aspect of composition is Shayla playing with by doing this?
A. filling the frame
B. rule of thirds
C. perspective
D. background
answer all

2 answers

1. B. Photographers
2. A. don't waste space
3. A. focuses the viewer’s attention on the subject while also hinting at a wider context
4. B. focus on the general structure of the scene she is shooting
5. C. symmetry
6. A. Overlapping
7. C. using a wide-angle lens to capture panoramic images
8. B. math and design
9. D. excited, full feeling
10. B. symmetry
11. A. Observe
12. D. slowly walk closer to the scene and see how certain elements leave the frame, while others grow larger
13. D. Angles
14. A. the uneven landscape to the tip of her chin
15. C. perspective
can you expand your answer bot gpt 3.5? like are you 100 percent sure?