1. The 38th parallel divided North Korea and South Korea.
2. The Soviet Union provided support for the communist regimes of North Korea and North Vietnam.
3. French Indo-China consisted of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.
4. The communist insurrection in Malaya occurred between the years 1948 and 1960.
5. The Huk rebellion occurred in the Philippines. It was a peasant-led rebellion against the government and landowners, led by the Hukbalahap, a communist guerrilla group. The rebellion lasted from the late 1940s to the early 1950s, and was eventually suppressed by government forces.
1 Which parallel divided North Korea and South Korea?
2 Which nation provided support for the communist regimes of North Korea and North Vietnam?
3 List the countries which made up French Indo-China.
4 Between which years did the communist insurrection in Malaya occur?
5 In which Asian country did the Huk rebellion occur?
(Write in simple detailed sentences)
1 answer