1. Which of the following sentences contains an implied metaphor?
a. The mall sailboat bobbed about like a cork on the huge ocean
b. The wind looked down upon the tiny craft, laughed, and then attacked.
c. The battle between wind and boat raged on for an hour
d. Then the damaged vessel rolled over like a dead fish.
Not sure about this...
7. Which is not an example of an idiom found in "Miss Rosie"?
a. "when I watch you"
b. "[you] used to be called"
c. "waiting for your mind"
d. "I stand up"
10. Which of the following pairs of words is an example of approximate rhyme?
a. care/hair
b. bubble/trouble
c. forsake/partake
d. food/good
14. Which of the following words is an example of a trochee?
a. delicate
b. disguise
c. comprehend
d. soccer
15. The aspect of Espada's poem "Tony Went to the Bodega but he Didn't buy Anything" that BEST characterizes it as "free verse" is its
a. regular meter
b. theme of freedom
c. rhyme
d. rhythm of long and short sentences
11 answers
7. I haven't read "Miss Rosie."
10. http://www.humanitiesweb.org/human.php?s=l&p=t&a=d&ID=11
14. http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/Terms/trochee.html
15. http://library.thinkquest.org/3721/poems/forms/free.html
10. C?
Still not sure about 14
I think 15 could either be B or A...
In fact, you need to do a lot more studying to answer these questions correctly.
Last try on these:
10. D?
14. D?
I know it's lonely being home schooled -- but I guess you have to make the best of it.
I Think the answer is B.